A Look at Java 21’s Simplified main() Method

3 min readOct 22, 2023


Below is a revised version of my article incorporating the changes introduced in Java 21, which was released on September 19, 2023.

As many of you are aware, Java 21 has been unveiled, bringing forth a plethora of innovations and adjustments to enhance the language’s robustness and user-friendliness. Among the notable shifts is the evolution of the main() method, which now embraces a more streamlined signature, paving the way for a simplified yet effective entry point for Java applications. In this piece, we will delve into this significant transformation, comparing the traditional main() method signature with the newfound flexibility introduced in Java 21, shedding light on how this change augments the developer experience in the modern Java ecosystem.

Java’s main() Method: Evolving Entry Points

Java, one of the most prevalent programming languages worldwide, continually evolves to cater to modern development demands. A core concept for any Java developer is understanding the main() method, which serves as the application's entry point. We previously delved into the significance of the main() method in Java, elaborating on how and why it acts as the starting point of Java applications.

With the advent of Java 21 on September 19, 2023, a notable shift occurred concerning the main() method signature. This change, among others, reflects Java's ongoing commitment to simplifying its syntax and making the language more approachable.

The main() Method Before Java 21:

Traditionally, the main() method required a specific signature for the JVM to recognize it as the entry point:

The signature denoted:

  • public: The method is accessible from everywhere.
  • static: The method can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.
  • void: The method doesn’t return any value.
  • String[] args: Captures arguments passed from the command line.

The main() Method From Java 21 Onwards:

Java 21 eased the constraints on the main() method signature, allowing for a simpler definition:


Java 21’s relaxation of the main() method signature rules exemplifies the language's evolving nature, making it simpler and more user-friendly. While the fundamental role of the main() method remains unchanged as the entry point, the eased restrictions offer developers a more flexible and streamlined approach to kickstarting their Java applications.

The modifications in the main() method signature, as introduced in Java 21, symbolize a step towards a more user-friendly and simplified Java. Nonetheless, the insights and explanations provided in our earlier discussion regarding the main() method's role as the entry point in previous Java versions remain pertinent and valuable. For those who will be working with or learning the earlier versions of Java, the understanding of the traditional main() method signature and its importance as the program's entry point is still highly relevant. Through these adaptations, Java continues to foster a conducive environment for both seasoned developers and newcomers, ensuring a seamless and efficient developer experience as the language evolves.


Revised Article for Pre-Java 21 Versions

