A Smooth Sea Do not make Skillful Sailors

Ayesha Hamid
4 min readSep 21, 2018

“Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory”by George S Patton

life is nothing without challenges and problems we can get immunity from all the challenges that comes in our life only in case if we accept them and conquer them, challenges enable you to do things that may be uncomfortable , difficult;this may be learning new skills , adopting new habits and experiencing new things. Challenges do not need to be significant life changing goals;it can be small tasks , and the important thing is that there is a higher success rate if we conquer the challenges .Challenging ourselves to always achieve a level greater than what we expect is beneficial to not only our mental health , but also to our personal well being . As we conquer challenges that stand in our way , we find confidence in our abilities . Confidence is such an important characteristics to finding the path to success . If you do not believe in yourself , how can you expect others to believe in you? With confidence in your own work , comes the reward of the confidence of others in you . Boosting that confidence is the growing self esteem , which results from tackling challenges.

Through the Amal Academy platform we got a chance to contribute something good for the betterment of smokers by creating awareness

“What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself” by Abraham Maslow

In Amal career prep fellowship ,we also have to face a lot of challenges during our mega project preparations ,as we were conducting a awareness seminar on “Hazards Of Smoking” so for this we have to advertise our event , we have to arrange doctors so that they can give awareness about the hazards and disadvantages of smoking in medical terms , have find proper place to organize our event so to over come all these problems we need funds so collecting funds from different people is the biggest challenge in our way then all the group members sit in a circle give different suggestions one by one that how we generate funds to solve our other problems .

“Great minds discuss ideas , average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people” by Eleanor Roosevelt

Suggestions and steps :

1: we have to raise funds fro different people for this noble cause

“Alone we can do so little together we can do so much” by Helen Keller

2:we have to seek some sponsors so that they help us to provides the a good refreshment to our guests.

3: we can contribute from our own pocket money instead of raising funds from different peoples

“Do not work for recognition , but do work worthy of recognition” by Jackson Brown

4: we don’t need to advertise our event and give refreshment to our guests .

So after listening everyone point of view we decide to pursue our project by solving the challenge with suggestion no 1 and 3.


We applied the first and third suggestion to defeat our challenge

1:So when we implement our first suggestion we get very good feedback from young generation as compare to the old , they gave very positive feedback and helped us with money in this noble cause and they also appreciated our efforts , it encouraged and motivated us a lot.

2:We also implement the second suggestion we did not get fruitful results .

3:We also implemented our third suggestion in order to match all the requirements and we felt we satisfied that we are serving our money for the sack of betterment of smokers so both these suggestion went very good .

4:Last and the most important one is that we should not afraid of challenges and problems but take them as an opportunity to learn some thing and improve ourselves .



Ayesha Hamid

A Student | Positive Blogger|Humanitarian|Passionate |Sincere|Life lover