Best Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2022

Kate Edward
3 min readSep 29, 2022

Mobile App Development Frameworks are platforms of software, to build applications. It includes the built in features for speedy, efficacy and clean environment. Also the built in components including compilers, debugging tools and toolkit to run the application.

You do not need to learn complex Programming languages to master the frameworks. All you need to do is, to have a command on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, for both iOS and Android development framework.

App development frameworks can be divided into three categories on the basis of their function.

Native Apps

These frameworks are generally used to develop native applications, they fulfill the demand of specific operating systems for Windows, iOS, and Android.

Web Apps

This is a smooth framework, used for developing different websites such as web server, API web, and web service interfaces.

Cross-Platform Apps

This framework is used for the Hybrid apps that includes both native and web apps specifications. These frameworks are popular nowadays because of their cost-effectiveness features.


As we have discussed, the frameworks can be divided into three categories. On the basis of these categories, developers can have the better choice amongst the best app design frameworks . Some of the major frameworks are given below.

#1 Flutter

It is an open framework by Google used for native applications, produced in 2017.It is used for both iOS and Android applications. It is popular because of its minimal coding feature. It is used by many organizations due to its unique feature of rapid development, interesting visuals, and cross platform application.

#2 Xamarin

It is a cross-platform application development platform, used for Android and iOS. It used simple C# programming language that is why it needs less coding. If you want to build an application with multiple operating systems, this framework is recommended. It was launched by Microsoft. This framework is suitable for custom user interface systems, coding sharing, and business logic.

#3 Ionic

This is a free, open source framework that is developed with Apache Cordova and Angular. It is an explicit framework for progressive web apps, hybrid, and cross platform applications to create Android and iOS applications. It uses simple programming languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, therefore it makes the application look customized.

#4 Swiftic

It is an iOS based framework with an easily operating navigate interface. It allows its users, the 30 days money back guarantee if you do not find it worthy. Furthermore, it also offers a six months success scheme guarantee. If you do not get the expected result, six month services are free. It includes interesting features such as push notifications, app promotions, social media feeds, app publications assistance and loyalty cards.


The above mentioned frameworks are you can use to develop your application. Usually you have to understand which framework is best for your application. For this purpose you have to address the below mentioned areas.

  1. Which language your programmers are master in.
  2. Which type of application you are developing.
  3. Which operating system you are targeting.

Once you have decided these areas, it is easy to decide which framework is best for your application.

