Ayesha Munir
3 min readMar 4, 2022




This world is advancing in ways that we cannot comprehend. With the advancement of science, almost all of the problems that people face are solved by the use of science and technology. In this fast-paced era when every individual is getting their problems figured out, why not you?


Are you a person who is worried about their short height or do you sometimes wish to have a few more inches more to feel more normal? Do you think your chances to meet a new partner are pretty much low, as you don’t have the desired height? Do you feel overwhelmed at work, as you are the only short heightened person around? Did your leg get amputated in an accident, and it’s not the same size anymore? Well, there might be the perfect answer to your quelling problems and that is the Leg Lengthening surgery.


Yes, it is now possible to get a few inches more and look taller; one of which is by this innovative surgery designed to make you look taller or to remove any deformity causing you confidence issues.

The leg-lengthening surgery is a process where the body’s capability is used to regenerate new bone including the tissues, blood vessels surrounding and supporting the region

The surgery is the perfect solution, if you are not comfortable with your height, have a fractured leg, dwarfism, any other defects in your leg bone.


There are many reasons to be having the Length lengthening surgery as it does not involve any risk factors to your health and it’s also a less painful procedure.

If the term surgery has caused you to panic then no need to worry as this process has a 95% success rate with minimal scarring on the incision point. Some minor problems may occur with pins and joints, but no serious complications are seen with this surgical method.


The surgery itself will be less painful as you will be given general anesthesia and the first process involved will be osteotomy in which the bone to be lengthened will be cut by the surgeon followed by a leg fixation device.


This device is of two types that is internal and external fixation device. The internal device in this leg lengthening procedure is positioned on the bone. It has a nail with a tool that automatically lengthens the bone. It is used with the external fixation device where it is positioned around the leg and pins and wires are used to reach the bones to lengthen it.

This process may take a few days or weeks depending upon the time, the new bone will regenerate in the small space that was created between the bone ends.


The bone will heal during the next stage and the fixation device will be removed only when the healing is complete. Some swelling may be observed in the initial days, but you will be provided with painkillers by your surgeon. Although it will take a few months to get better it will give you the confidence and height you always wanted.


If you are willing the risk, then the Leg lengthening surgery is for you. It will boost your confidence and make you feel good about yourself. The amount of confidence helps you live a fuller life which you deserve.



Ayesha Munir

If you are looking for someone who will create captivating and unique content for you, then I am the person to contact. I can write poems,short stories too.