15 best quotes for trading and emotions

3 min readOct 18, 2021


“Never, ever argue with your trading system.” — Michael Covel

“Novice Traders trade 5 to 10 times too big. They are taking 5 to 10 percent risk, on a trade they should be taking 1 to 2 percent risk on.” — Bruce Kovner

“The decision to invest in an asset class must be rational, not emotional.” — Naved Abdali

“If most traders would learn to sit on their hands 50 percent of the time, they would make a lot more money.” — Bill Lipschutz

“There is a time to go long, a time to go short, and a time to go fishing.” — Jesse Livermore

“One emotionally-driven investment that causes massive losses is enough to keep you away from all investments for life.” — Naved Abdali

“Money is made by sitting, not trading.” — Jesse Livermore

“If you can learn to create a state of mind that is not affected by the market’s behavior, the struggle will cease to exist.” — Mark Douglas

“We want to perceive ourselves as winners, but successful traders are always focusing on their losses.” — Peter Borish

“Sheer will and determination is no substitute for something that actually works.” — Jason Klatt

“In trading, the impossible happens about twice a year.” — Henri M. Simoes

“Learn to take losses. The most important thing in making money is not letting your losses get out of hand.” — Martin Schwartz

“Losses are necessary, as long as they are associated with a technique to help you learn from them.” — David Sikhosana

“Trading is very competitive and you have to be able to handle getting your butt kicked.” — Paul Tudor Jones

“If you personalize losses, you can’t trade.” — Bruce Kovner

