“AI Impact on Mental Health”

Ayesha Kamal
3 min readJul 31, 2023


As the world is talking about AI & Automation, tell me to tell you a bit about how AI articulates mental well-being in our daily life.

So, what is AI?

AI generally stands for ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, is a branch of Computer Science that enables intelligent machines and robots to work like a human, AI software, and tools that perform complex tasks including learning, reasoning, problem-solving, understanding natural language, and interacting with different environments.

Let’s talk about the significance of AI on mental well-being. Well, AI has both positive and negative side effects on mental well-being.

Let me elaborate a bit about it, the positive impacts include early detection, therapy and counseling, mental health support and research, and personalized interventions.


Besides that, there are some negative impacts of AI on mental health like data privacy and security concerns, digital additions, misinterpretation of emotional cues, bias and fairness, and overreliance on AI.


It is crucial to strike a balance between the benefits and risks of using AI in mental health applications. Ensuring transparency, ethical development, and appropriate regulatory measures can help mitigate potential negative impacts while maximizing the positive contributions of AI to mental health support. Additionally, AI should complement, rather than replace, human mental health professionals to ensure comprehensive and empathetic care for individuals with mental health conditions.


Well, here a question arises which AI tools and applications are designed to support mental well-being?

So, I will tell you some fantastic tools and applications along with their uses…

  1. Woebot: This AI-powered app is specially designed to recognize a person’s mental well-being through conversations and provide CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy).
  2. Wysa: This AI mental health chatbot uses evidence-based CBT and Dielectric Behavior Therapy (DBT).
  3. Youper: Youper is an AI-powered emotional health assistant that uses conversations and mood tracking to offer insights, self-help tools, and interventions for improving emotional well-being.
  4. Ginger: Ginger offers an AI-based behavioral health coaching platform that connects users with mental health coaches and therapists via text or video. This can help the user to approach an appropriate coach and monitors progress.
  5. Tess: Tess is an AI-driven psychological AI chatbot designed to offer emotional support and mental health resources to users, providing a space for self-expression and reflection.

Last but not least, Talkspace, While not primarily AI-driven, Talkspace is an online therapy platform that uses AI algorithms to match users with licensed therapists based on their preferences and needs.


It’s important to note that while these AI tools can provide valuable support and resources, they should not be considered a substitute for professional mental health care. If an individual is struggling with severe mental health issues then it is necessary to seek help from qualified mental health professionals. AI tools can complement traditional therapy and self-help practices, but they should be used in conjunction with appropriate mental health support when needed.



Ayesha Kamal

A bibliophile demonstrates the queries of the mind. 🦋💕