History and Evolution of C++: From C with Classes to Modern Programming Powerhouse

Ayesha Khan Ghaznavi
3 min readJun 14, 2023

C++ is a general-purpose programming language that has been a cornerstone of software development for several decades. It combines the high-level abstractions of languages like Simula and the low-level control of languages like C, making it a versatile and powerful tool for building a wide range of applications. In this article, we will explore the fascinating history and evolution of C++, tracing its origins, major milestones, and the key features that have made it one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

Origins: C with Classes

The story of C++ begins in the late 1970s when Danish computer scientist Bjarne Stroust up was working on his Ph.D. thesis at the University of Cambridge. Stroust up was building a simulation of the design of distributed systems using the C programming language. However, he found that C lacked the necessary abstractions for modeling complex systems effectively.

Inspired by Simula, a pioneering object-oriented programming language, Stroust up developed “C with Classes” as an extension to the C language. C with Classes introduced classes, derived classes, inheritance, and other object-oriented programming concepts, enabling more structured and modular code.

C++ Emerges

In 1983, Stroust up renamed his language “C++” to reflect the addition of new features and improvements. The name “C++” refers to the increment operator in C, indicating the language’s goal of building upon and extending the capabilities of C.

To popularize C++, Stroust up released the first edition of “The C++ Programming Language” in 1985. This influential book served as a comprehensive guide to the language and helped programmers worldwide adopt C++ for their projects.

Standardization and Portability

As C++ gained popularity, different implementations emerged, leading to compatibility issues. To address this, Stroust up and other experts formed the ISO C++ Standards Committee in 1989. The committee’s goal was to create a standardized version of C++ that would ensure portability across different platforms and implementations.

In 1998, the committee released the first international standard for C++, known as C++98 or C++03. This standard introduced many important features, including namespaces, exception handling, and the Standard Template Library (STL), which provided a collection of generic data structures and algorithms.

Modern C++: C++11 and Beyond

C++ continued to evolve, with subsequent standards bringing significant enhancements and new features. In 2011, the C++11 standard was released, introducing a range of modern features that revolutionized C++ programming. Some notable additions included lambda expressions, automatic type inference (using the “auto” keyword), and support for multithreading with the introduction of the standard thread library.

C++14, released in 2014, built upon the foundations of C++11 and introduced further improvements, such as enhanced type deduction rules, binary literals, and compile-time function evaluation.

C++17, released in 2017, expanded the language’s capabilities with features like structured bindings, and parallel algorithms. It also incorporated improvements to the standard library, making it more efficient and easier to use.

Looking Ahead: C++20 and Beyond

The most recent major update to C++ is C++20, released in 2020. This update brings a wealth of new features, including modules, coroutines, concepts, and ranges. C++20 further empowers developers by providing more expressive and concise syntax, improved performance, and enhanced support for parallel and concurrent programming.

The future of C++ looks promising, with ongoing work on C++23 and discussions about upcoming standards. These developments focus on refining existing features, adding new capabilities, and addressing the needs of modern software development

