White Women are the White People of White People

Yejide Orunmila
8 min readJun 27, 2018


I don’t have amnesia. White women been calling the State on black people since Africa was first attacked and I think it is wayyyyy past time to make clear what I have been saying about white women for years.

They are as capable, if not more capable, colonizers than their male counterparts. To be clear, when I say colonizers I mean active participants in the destruction and oppression of peoples around the globe.

I realize that for some people it’s hard to imagine white women as purveyors of violence because capitalist society belittles the role of white women, often portraying them as victims instead of bloody manipulators that contribute to the death, torture, and arrests of our people.

As colonized African people, however, we have intimate experiences of the death and destruction that white women have been responsible for.

Don’t be fooled by the token inclusion in the “white” Women’s March which needed African and other colonized women’s faces for validity.

We continue to see public incidences where white women are ‘white peopling’ hard as fuck.

These incidences are just a drop in the bucket of the historical savagery that white women have inflicted on African and other colonized people.

White women front and center, participants in the lynching of black men

White women were/are equal partners in the rape, enslavement and colonization of Africa and other places around the world.

They took the lead arming white men with stories of black men “looking at them” or raping them, which led to murders of black people, black men & boys in particular.

White women, armed with the bible and moral determination, led the mass reprogramming of indigenous native, African, and aboriginal children.

They consistently use their gender, as a women of the oppressor nation, to straddle the line between victimizer and victim. With a flip of their hair, bat of their eyes and smiles on their face, the white woman uses gender to carry out a more acceptable oppression.

Her role in oppressing the masses of people can be easily dismissed because she is armed by the power of ‘white women tears’ — a ‘magical’ liquid that transforms the oppressor into the victim.

It doesn’t stop at these clear examples but also includes the not-so-public instances of intrusion that demand black people answer to white people. Personally I have experienced the intrusion of white women and men.

“Are you all a family?” Asks a white woman passerby observing a group of black women engaged in a conversation at a lily white resort. “Are you a family?” asks a white woman who sees a group of black adults and children visiting a beach full of white people.

Imagine, walking by a public space and shouting over a question of “are you all a family?” to a group of white strangers. That shit would be odd, no? What would make you fix your mouth to ask a group of perfect strangers if they are a family? Here’s why. Because you’d want to know why there were so many of them …in your space….what their purpose is…and how long they plan to stay. That’s some “you look suspicious” police shit line of questioning. Just to be clear this question was asked on two separate occasions. Other examples (curly haired man questioned at airport for doing math on airplane https://www.washingtonpost.com/…/ivy-league-economist-inte…/

“Where is the other Takiyah?” I shout when trying to ascertain where all the children were, as we were leaving. A random white woman chuckles loudly, “there are two of them?!”

The ‘clutch her pearls’ chuckle was enough to make me want to push her face with my fist. Yes there is more than one Takiyah just like there is more than one Sarah. This colonial system is abusive toward African people in general, additionally, having a non-white name elevates the ability of white people to police your shit. There are black parents who actually say that they choose “white” names for their children just so their kids can get a job when they’re older. Imagine that shit…we live in a system that has altered even our naming practices. So instead of naming our beautiful daughter after Nzinga, African queen who fought off British colonizers, we name her Tina….wtf is a Tina! — The Sacred Art of Creating “Ghetto” Names https://theonefromthesun.wordpress.com/2013/09/06/the-sacred-art-of-creating-ghetto-names/#more-186

While putting up posters to advertise an upcoming event, two white men approach us and tell us to stop. We ignore them but they continue to scold us as if we were children. Both of us black women in our 30’s, probably older than them. One of us pushing a baby stroller. We engaged and told them to push on and to mind their business.

not the actual white men who followed us, just an accurate depiction

These two white men deputized themselves and became the police when they saw us putting up posters. The issue wasn’t that we were postering, the issue was WHAT we were postering — an event for the black community. Their commitment to “stop community blight” translated to get your black nigger asses out of here posting that black nigger stuff. At least that’s how I heard it. //The repressive history of Neighborhood Watch http://www.liberationnews.org/the-ugly-history-and-html/ — Trayvon Martin, McKinney Texas and so on and so forth.

*Vengeful stare* given by a white man who eavesdropped on a discussion I was having with an older black man about the Africans Charge Genocide petition and its relationship to gentrification in Washington D.C. The white guy just so happened to be jogging down one of the major thoroughfares of black D.C. where black men still sell loosies for change, Go-Go music floods out of a storefront and where a black mom is struggling to wrangle two tired crying children.

We’re standing at the corner of Florida and Georgia Avenues which has undergone a huge transformation; not just in the expensive high-rise residential buildings but also the color of the residents. One of the high-rises was built in the space previously used by black entrepreneurs to sell their products every weekend — U Street flea market.

Across the street from me, on the corner, are a group of black men of various ages peddling loosies, incense, and oils.

A mother descends from the metro bus obviously frustrated by crying children after picking them up from aftercare. She signs the petition. An elder brother with locs down his back, signs the petition. An elder sister walking on a cane awaiting the bus, signs the petition.

Dotted in between this sea of black struggling masses are leisure suits, white couples with dogs, afternoon joggers with fitbits and $100 haircuts who easily navigate the transforming neighborhood, bopping off-beat to the Go-Go music blasting out of a storefront. The contradiction is crystal clear.

So when white dude shoots back an evil stare at me, after eavesdropping on a convo I was having where I mentioned white people and gentrification, I tilt my head allllllll the way to the side, eyes wide open staring back, ready for him to engage…he did not. Fuck your evil stare and your hurt feelings. // Colonizing the Inner City- Gentrification and the Geographies of Colonialism https://righttothecitymtl.wordpress.com/…/colonizing-the-i…/

My Point: White people are the auxiliary police! Well-meaning, home owning, urban, hipster, liberal, home-making, vacationing white men and WOMEN are the police.

Increasingly this policing has been publicized without any political context other than flippant explanations like , “that’s white women for ya;” which often jokingly dismisses their behavior as an extreme case. Clearly it is not.

I don’t have amnesia; therefore I understand how white women have been used to infiltrate colonized communities, unchecked. How their actions are consistently used as part of the counterinsurgency and colonial oppression and why their presence is dismissed mainly because women within capitalist societies are not seen as capable people.

Therefore, I’m not surprised, nor do I make light of the strategic role that white women play as part of the oppressor nation.

Fortunately, there is a path available to white people, that will destroy within them, the natural inclination to be oppressors — Uhuru Solidarity Movement a white organization founded as a strategy of the African People’s Socialist Party to organize white people to overturn their destructive parasitic behavior, under the leadership of the African working class.

There is also an organization — African National Women’s Organization (ANWO) — for African (black) women who want to organize themselves politically and in practice against colonial amnesia and who want to be part of forging a new world where African people will destroy the shackles of oppression that kills our children, incarcerates our communities, and harms sectors of our community that are vulnerable; because of the exploitative nature of capitalism.

The oppression that white women dole out, won’t be overturned without struggle and it won’t be achieved without destroying white power which uses colonial violence to maintain power over a majority of the world’s people.

Uhuru! (means freedom)



Yejide Orunmila

Socialist, revolutionary, mom and wife, President of the African National Women's Organization (ANWO) and member of the African People's Socialist Party (USA).