Reactive Programming

What is reactive programming?

Ayesha Perera
3 min readJul 22, 2022

The programming paradigm allows us to manipulate steams of data using functions. Everything needs to happen asynchronously.


  • In the java programs, it executes line by line. Until one line executes, the next line won’t execute. It’s synchronous programming or imperative (procedural) programming.
  • But reactive programming mean to work asynchronously. It’s not waiting for an order. (using functional programming)
  • In reactive programming, data should come as a stream.
  • You can use this with HTTP backends.
  • You can do different tasks, separately( asynchronously ) without bothering or depending on other tasks.

What is Functional Programming?

Use functions to create expressions rather statements. Focus on What is the objective (what to solve).

  • Java,.Net or most of the languages do not support Reactive Programming. So we need some external support for converting these languages to support reactive programming.
  • is the official framework that governed reactive programming. They have separate libraries for each language.

Java = RxJava

Javscript = RxJS

(RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) is a library for reactive programming using observables that makes it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code.)

.Net = Rx.Net

Scala = RxScala

  • For Angular, they have an RxJs converting version called, NgRx.

(NgRx is a framework for building reactive applications in Angular. NgRx is inspired by the Redux pattern — unifying the events in your application and deriving state using RxJS. At a high level, NgRx stores a single state and uses actions to express state changes)

Let’s go for a practical example:

  • Use JS Bin for this testing.
  • First, add Rxjs library and create a button.
  • Inside the Javascript section, write the below code.
  • Click on the button and observe the results in the console.
  • When you keep trying this, you can see multiple values are coming in the same second.
  • Now change the code with RxJS.
  • Here you can use Observable pattern but you have to subscribe to this. (Subject is emitting data, but you need to subscribe to get data.)
  • But here also you get the same result.

So what we can do with RxJS? Why do we use it???

  • Change the code like below.
  • Here you use throttleTime(1000). That means 1 second.
  • How much you click doesn’t matter. It’s only executed it only per second. You just add one line and do it with RxJS.

Thank you and Happy Learning!

