Tabarruj Meaning In English And Its Concept In Islam And Quran

Ayesha Quran Academy
3 min readOct 18, 2023


Tabarruj is an Arabic term that is often used in the context of Islamic teachings and values. It refers to a concept related to modesty and decency in the behavior and appearance of Muslim women. This article will explore the meaning and concept of Tabarruj in Islam and Quran its significance in the Quran.

Meaning of Tabarruj

Tabarruj is derived from the Arabic root word “baraja,” which means to display or manifest. In the context of Islamic teachings, Tabarruj refers to the act of a woman displaying her beauty or adorning herself in a manner that is immodest or contrary to Islamic principles. It encompasses actions such as excessive makeup, immodest clothing, and behavior that draws undue attention to one’s physical appearance.

Concept of Tabarruj in Islam

Tabarruj is seen as a violation of the Islamic principles of modesty and chastity. Islam places a strong emphasis on modesty in both men and women, but the concept is often discussed in the context of women. The primary reasons for this are to preserve the dignity and honor of women, to protect them from harm, and to maintain social order in Muslim societies.

Here are some key aspects of the concept of Tabarruj in Islam:

1. Modesty and Decency: Islamic teachings promote modesty and decency in dress and behavior for both men and women. This includes covering one’s body and refraining from drawing undue attention to oneself.

2. The Hijab: The hijab, or headscarf, is a symbol of modesty for Muslim women. It covers the hair and body, with the intention of safeguarding women’s beauty and privacy. The Quran specifically mentions the need to cover one’s adornments in Surah An-Nur (24:31).

3. Avoiding Display of Adornments: In the Quran, Surah An-Nur (24:31) advises Muslim women to “not display their adornment except what [necessarily] appears thereof.” This verse encourages women to cover their beauty and not flaunt it in public.

4. Protection from Harm: Modesty, as encouraged by Islam, serves to protect women from objectification, harassment, and potential harm. It also promotes a sense of dignity and self-respect.

5. The Role of Men: While the concept of Tabarruj is often associated with women, it is also essential for men to lower their gaze and behave modestly. This mutual respect is vital for maintaining a harmonious society.

6. Cultural Variations: The interpretation and practice of Tabarruj can vary across different cultures and communities, but the core principles of modesty and decency remain constant.

Significance in the Quran

The Quran contains several verses that address the concept of Tabarruj and the importance of modesty:

This verse explicitly instructs Muslim women to cover their adornments and maintain their modesty.

This verse emphasizes the need for Muslim women to cover themselves to be recognized as believers and to avoid potential harm.


Tabarruj is a concept in Islam that underscores the importance of modesty and decency in the appearance and behavior of both men and women, with a particular emphasis on women. It is rooted in the Quranic teachings that encourage the covering of adornments and the safeguarding of one’s dignity. The concept of Tabarruj serves as a means of promoting a virtuous and respectful society in accordance with Islamic principles. While the practice of Tabarruj may vary across different cultures and communities, the core values of modesty and decency remain integral to Islamic teachings.

