What causes Auroras?

Ayesha Rafaqat
2 min readOct 23, 2023


The Earth’s magnetic field’s deflection of cosmic rays contributes to the creation of auroras.

In the grand theater of the universe, Earth remains shielded by its magnetic field, an unseen guardian protecting it from the ceaseless cosmic onslaught. Amid the perpetual interplay of the magnetic poles, this invisible bastion originates from the fiery core’s elemental dance, born of the swirling currents of molten iron. Stretching its watchful shield deep into the celestial expanse, the magnetosphere stands as a stalwart sentinel, skillfully diverting the cosmic maelstrom, preserving life below. Across the cosmic stage, an enchanting spectacle unfolds as charged particles paint the nocturnal canvas with the captivating auroras, a celestial waltz of light and energy.

Beyond its cosmic choreography, the magnetic field orchestrates the mysterious voyages of myriad creatures, guiding their enigmatic migrations across the planet. However, its influence extends beyond the natural realm, shaping the destiny of contemporary technology, governing the paths of satellites, and the resilience of power networks. Despite its formidable resilience, the magnetic field shows signs of fragility, its vitality diminishing over time, casting an air of uncertainty over its future and ours. Exploring the intricacies of this cosmic shield unveils a profound comprehension of the forces molding our world and the delicate equilibrium of life within it. Every exploration study unravels the mystery of Earth’s magnetic embrace, strengthening our mission to safeguard our planet and all that flourishes upon it.

