Understanding RNN, LSTM, and GRU: Architectures and Challenges in Processing Long Sequences

Ayesha Shabbir
5 min readOct 27, 2023


Strong deep learning models made for sequential data processing include Gated Recurrent Units (GRU), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). In this post, we’ll examine these models’ structures and the difficulties RNNs encounter while handling lengthy sequences.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)

An artificial neural network class called Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) is made specifically to analyze data sequences. RNNs feature a hidden state that enables them to retain information about earlier parts in the sequence, in contrast to feedforward neural networks, where information flows in a single path. They are appropriate for applications like time series analysis, speech recognition, and natural language processing because of their recollection of previous data.

Architecture of RNN
The hidden state, which is fundamental to RNNs, is similar to a form of short-term memory. An RNN receives two inputs in each time step: the previous hidden state and the current input from the sequence. It computes the new hidden state and produces an output. This architecture allows RNNs to capture dependencies between elements in a sequence.

In the above diagram (a) inner structures of different recurrent neural network (RNN) cells are described:-

-Xt: The current input at time step t.
-Ht-1: The hidden state from the previous time step, serving as short-term memory.
-Ht: The new hidden state, which depends on both the current input and the previous hidden state.
-Yt: The output at time step t.

This process continues for each element in the sequence, effectively capturing sequential information.

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)

While RNNs are powerful, they have limitations when it comes to capturing long-term dependencies. The vanishing gradient problem, caused by the nature of the backpropagation algorithm, makes it challenging for RNNs to remember information from distant time steps. LSTM was introduced to address this issue.

Architecture of LSTM

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is a type of RNN that is equipped with more sophisticated memory mechanisms. It was designed to allow the network to learn what to remember and what to forget.

In the above diagram (b) inner structures of Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) cells are described:-

-Xt: The current input at time step t.
-Ct-1: The cell state from the previous time step, which acts as long-term memory.
-Ht-1: The hidden state from the previous time step.
-Ct: The new cell state, which can be updated and modified.
-Ht: The new hidden state.

The LSTM cell has three gates that control the flow of information: the input gate, the forget gate, and the output gate. These gates allow LSTMs to selectively update and read from the cell state, making them better at preserving long-term dependencies.

Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)

Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) is another type of RNN that addresses the vanishing gradient problem and is more computationally efficient than LSTMs. GRUs simplify the architecture compared to LSTMs while achieving comparable performance.

Architecture of GRU

A GRU cell consists of the following components:

-Xt: The current input at time step t.
-Ht-1: The hidden state from the previous time step.
-Ht: The new hidden state.
-Zt: The update gate, which controls how much of the previous hidden state to keep.
-Rt: The reset gate, which decides how much of the new input to blend with the previous hidden state.

GRUs have a more streamlined design compared to LSTMs but still manage to capture long-term dependencies effectively. They are particularly well-suited for applications where efficiency is a concern.

The Problem with RNNs for Processing Long Sequences

While RNNs, LSTMs, and GRUs are excellent at processing sequential data, they have limitations when it comes to handling very long sequences. The primary challenge is the vanishing gradient problem, which affects RNNs and, to a lesser extent, LSTMs and GRUs.

The vanishing gradient problem occurs during the training of these models when gradients (derivatives used for weight updates) become extremely small as they are propagated back through time. This leads to slow convergence and makes it challenging for the network to learn long-range dependencies. In practice, RNNs tend to “forget” information that is too far back in the sequence.

Consider a scenario where you want to predict the next word in a sentence. If the sentence is quite long, traditional RNNs might not remember the first few words when making predictions. This limitation can severely impact the performance of these models in tasks that require understanding long-term context.

To mitigate the vanishing gradient problem, LSTMs and GRUs were introduced, as discussed earlier. LSTMs, in particular, excel in capturing long-range dependencies due to their ability to explicitly control what information is stored and retrieved from the cell state.

Despite these advancements, processing extremely long sequences remains a challenge, and the choice between RNNs, LSTMs, and GRUs depends on the specific task and the available computational resources. Additionally, even LSTMs and GRUs may struggle with very long sequences when dealing with high-dimensional data.


Recurrent Neural Networks, Long Short-Term Memory, and Gated Recurrent Unit are powerful tools for processing sequential data, offering varying degrees of complexity and efficiency. While RNNs were the initial step toward handling sequences, LSTMs and GRUs addressed their limitations by introducing mechanisms to capture and manage long-term dependencies more effectively.

It is essential for developers in the field of deep learning to know about the design of these models and the difficulties they encounter when processing lengthy sequences. A number of criteria, including the length of the sequence, the type of data, and the computational resources available, must be taken into account while choosing the best model for a given task.

In summary, RNNs, LSTMs, and GRUs have significantly improved the capabilities of deep learning models in processing sequential data. With ongoing research and development, the field continues to evolve, offering even more sophisticated tools for tackling the challenges of long sequences. These advancements are making it possible to tackle a wide range of applications, from natural language understanding to time series.



Ayesha Shabbir

👩‍💻 Bachelors of Science in IT | Front-End Web Developer |Content Writer| Data Scientist | Python | ML | DL | Data Viz 🚀