The Technology is Growing, but the Social Skills are Losing

Ayesha Tasneem
3 min readJan 25, 2023


With all of the new technology that is coming out, it seems that the social skills of young people is losing. In today's world, technology has the upper hand. We see the use of technology everywhere, and it is hard to avoid the constant stream of gadgets, too. Boys are often more technology-oriented than girls, and this is causing them to have a significant disadvantage in social skills. This article will explore the effects of technology on social skills and the way society has been affected by technological advancement.

1. What is the effect of technology on social skills?

The effects of technology on social skills are becoming increasingly more apparent. Social media has created new ways to connect and interact with others, but this technology is not without its drawbacks. There is a large decrease in social skills in the younger generation. This is because they are spending more time on social media platforms than they are interacting with people face to face. This becomes more apparent when you see the younger generation not having the same social skills as their parents and grandparents. We have become so used to interacting with others online that we have become less social and less skilled at interacting with others.

2. Are boys more technology-oriented than girls?

The idea that girls are more social and boys are more technology-oriented is not a new one. But now, a new study of children aged 6 and 7 has been released by the National Center for Social and Economic Modeling (NATSEM) at the University of Canberra. The study found that children in the age group are more likely to be interested in technology than social skills. With the technology becoming more and more advanced, it is likely that the trend will continue.

3. The effect of technology on society.

Technology has been changing the way humans interact with each other. It has been creating new ways of communicating, and it has also been changing the way society functions. There is a lot of talk about how technology is creating a more narcissistic society. However, there is also a lot of talk about how technology is helping people connect with each other and make new friends. Technology is creating a more connected society, but it is also creating a more lonely one. Technology is also changing the way people communicate with each other. It is changing the way people make friends, and it is also changing the way people are able to express themselves. Technology has changed the way people communicate with each other, but it has also changed the way people express themselves.

4. Conclusion.

Technology is growing at a rapid pace. We are now able to send text messages, make a phone call, send a tweet, and order a pizza all from our fingertips. We are considered to be living in the digital age. However, technology is also taking away from our social skills. It is becoming harder and harder for people to communicate face to face. It is also becoming harder for people to have a conversation without the use of technology. This is a huge problem, especially for people who are not as tech savvy. Technology is becoming more and more popular and is becoming a necessity in our day to day lives. However, it is also becoming harder to maintain a human connection.

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