Top Websites for Practicing Test Automation Skills

Ayhan Metin
2 min readMay 12, 2023


For those looking to enhance their test automation skills, finding the right resources to practice on can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are several websites designed specifically for this purpose, offering a variety of scenarios and challenges to hone your automation scripting abilities. Here’s a medium-length overview of some of the top websites where you can test and refine your test automation skills:

  1. The-Internet by Dave Haeffner: This is an excellent starting point for beginners. It provides a collection of simple web pages specifically designed for practicing basic automation scripts. Check it out at The-Internet.
  2. ToolsQA: This website offers a broad range of tutorials and practice pages covering various aspects of automation testing. It’s a great resource for both learning and practicing. Visit ToolsQA.
  3. Cypress Applications: Cypress provides two key platforms — the Todo List App (Cypress Todo) and the Real World App (Cypress Real World App). These platforms allow you to practice with applications that mimic real-world functionality.
  4. Dog CEO’s Dog API: For those interested in API testing, this is a fun and unique resource. It allows you to work with an API that returns random dog images. It’s a great way to practice sending requests and handling responses. Find it at Dog CEO’s Dog API.
  5. PlaceKitten: Similar to the Dog API, but for cat lovers. This service provides resizable kitten images, ideal for testing image handling in your applications. Visit PlaceKitten.
  6. RandomFox: This website offers a simple API for fetching random pictures of foxes, another interesting tool for API testing. Check it out at RandomFox.
  7. Pexels API: If you’re looking to practice with a more professional API, Pexels offers access to a vast database of high-quality images. It’s excellent for more advanced API testing. Visit the Pexels API.
  8. DemoQA: This site is perfect for practicing complex automation tasks, including handling pop-ups, navigation menus, and draggable elements. It offers a realistic challenge for those looking to step up their automation game. Check out DemoQA.
  9. Automation Exercise: This platform provides a wide variety of test cases for automation testing, making it an invaluable resource for coders and testers looking to cover different scenarios. Visit Automation Exercise.
  10. ParaBank: A demo site from Parasoft that simulates an online banking environment, offering a different kind of challenge for automation testing. Visit ParaBank.
  11. Saucedemo: Provided by Sauce Labs, this demo e-commerce site is perfect for practicing automation skills in a retail context. Check it out at Saucedemo.
  12. PHPTRAVELS: A more complex demo travel booking website, ideal for those wanting to test automation on intricate applications. Visit PHPTRAVELS.
  13. OrangeHRM: This open-source HRM system offers a more complex environment, closer to real-world applications. It’s a great site for advanced practice. Visit OrangeHRM.
  14. A less-known but useful site for practicing automation in an e-commerce setting.

Each of these websites offers unique challenges and learning opportunities for automation testers, whether you’re just starting out or looking to polish your advanced skills.

