Get Ready For the Blockchain Conference On Nov 16 in Accra

Claude Ayitey
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2017

Ghana will host the first-ever Blockchain Conference, themed “Blockchain technology for development, on Thursday November 16, 2017, at the Golden Tulip.

Blockchain, the digital distributed ledger technology for recording ordered set of crypto-currency transactions securely including Bitcoin, Etherum etc, has generated a lot of interest in the business sphere.The advent of this technology / Crypto Currencies has undoubtedly changed the paradigm of business transactions worldwide and Ghana is no exception as a number of Ghanaians are signing on to different Blockchain platforms.

“It is critical therefore to ascertain whether or not we are well informed about this technology that is taking the world by storm; do we have the requisite policy, legal and regulatory frameworks to embrace the blockchain technologies, and most importantly how well equipped in terms of capacity are our regulatory institutions of this emerging sector?,” said Organizing Committee Chair of the conference.

How prepared are Ghanaians to absorb the potential displacement on trust intermediary entities such as registries, trusts, banks and others.“What can we do to make this better; And last but not the least, how does Ghana position herself to benefit on this emerging trend?,” she added.

It is against this backdrop that Blockchain Network will hold the maiden edition of Blockchain Conference to seek answers and also engage Blockchain community inspired by a wide array of potential applications from Finance & Banking Institutions, Insurance, Academia, Shipping & Logistics, Medical, Documentation etc in this one-day conference. The conference brings together Blockchain community, Policy makers, technology leaders to intensify our understanding of this new trend that is shaping global business

The conference will be preceded by two days Blockchain Training Workshop with Resource persons from global as well as the local community. The total event will include: a 2-day Bitcoin & Ethereum Technologies Workshop & Hackathon (pre-conference Workshop), training in technologies & applications, policy and regulations, financial inclusion as well as other crucial issues.
For further information on the Blockchain Training Workshop, please visit:

The Blockchain Conference is aimed at: creating awareness and network with peers, create a good policy environment for Blockchain technology to flourish, knowing the policy issues, meeting stakeholders and share best practices, having first-hand demos on some of the tools and hearing from the experts. For further information, please visit

Blockchain Network is a Non-Profit organization established as a forum for Blockchain community engagements, networking & sharing of best practices.

Originally published at gharage.



Claude Ayitey

I work on UX/UI, studied Computer Science, loved software enough to attend @MESTGhana and helped found @DevCongress. I play the piano. Also founded @BoughtSpot.