Women In Tech Africa Announces its Global Champions for 2017/2018

Claude Ayitey
Published in
5 min readMay 4, 2017

Women in Tech Africa has announced it first batch of Global Women in Tech Africa Champions from Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Spain and Belgium. Ten (10) candidates have been selected out of hundreds of applications from over 35 countries after a 4-week rallying period.

This program was created to give candidates the opportunity to support the developmental growth of Africa with special focus on technological development and entrepreneurship.

Over the next year the champions will run and support events and programs across Africa and in the diaspora, to support the growth of technology for development and technology entrepreneurship for Women.

Women in Tech Africa (WiTA) believes that everyone has a role to play in realizing the developmental growth of Africa, starting from our communities with our unique set of skills and gifts. Here are the global champions!


Country: Malawi

Bridget Nyirongo is a young Malawian female Computer Scientist (Software Developer) who is passionate about using her technical expertise to see and realize a high representation of females in the male dominated field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Africa. Since 2012, she has been working as the Assistant Systems Engineer (software development) for the University of Malawi, Chancellor College ICT Centre.

Quote: “Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.” ~Richard Branson


Country: Nigeria

Adebola Adeoye is the owner/Business Consultant at Mitchelle Dew Company, A technology consulting and business development enterprise. Adebola has over 12 year’s professional experience in Information communication and technology industry. She is an experienced solution sales professional, who has worked with diverse organization to achieve their bottom line, through innovative technology.

Adebola is passionate about creating awareness for the involvement of women and girls in technology and success of women entrepreneurs.


Country: Nigeria

Banke Alawaye is a digital expert and management consultant. She helps women business owners create systems that make their businesses easier to run so that they can be more productive and make higher incomes. She has over 20 years of work experience with many businesses. Banke is a Chartered Management Consultant. She holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science, a Masters in Business Administration from Edinburgh Business School, Scotland and a Certificate in Entrepreneurial Management from Pan African University’s Enterprise Development Centre. She is also a Member, British Computer Society.

Quote: “I believe all you need to succeed is to make one small decision at a time”


Country: Kenya

Josephine Sitawa is the Founder of Breast Cancer Kenya, a Non-Profit organization that supports women suffering from Breast Cancer. She holds a BSc in Business Information Systems with a concentration in Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence, and a Higher Diploma in Computing from NCC Education (UK). Sitawa works at The Directorate of Immigration & Registration of Persons under the Department; National Registration Bureau. With an experience of 10 years in the ICT section of this department, dealing with Systems, Databases and Microsoft Servers, Programming and Information Security.

Quote:Every woman can succeed if they just stop and define their values first, then align their mission to their defined values”


Country: Spain

Julie Chrysler is passionate about IT and STEM education and has been working in the area for over 10 years. She spent many years working with Cisco to drive projects for their largest IT Education program, the Cisco Networking Academy. She also launched an entrepreneur education program in Spain, and participated in several volunteer programs to promote girls in ICT, and was a regular collaborator for the CSR blog. Most recently she has been named Director for Imagine Creativity Center to launch Imagine Africa, a program aimed at helping companies with disruptive innovation for social impact on the continent.


Country: Namibia

Petrina Haipinge is a Social Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship and Computer Teacher from Walvis Bay, Namibia. She is a community volunteer who runs an orphans and vulnerable children project and is the founder of the O4N, an initiative which is aimed at exposing Namibian youth to quality information and opportunities that would improve their lives.

Quote: Technology saves time and time is money.


Country: Kenya

Gillian Wanjiru is a Telecommunication and information engineer who is well versed in different communication technologies. She is passionate about networking and likes to get more women into the tech world. She actively participates in entrepreneurial forums.


Country: Ghana

Rosemary Asiedu is a writer, a social media activists and an online marketer. She is a member of women in tech Africa and she make use of any available platform to educate young girls and boys about the need for technology.

Quote: “Success comes with worth, give the brain a try and see its functioning”.


Country : Belgium

Maria Pedro Miala has over 10 years experience in health care. She is a certified wound care nurse and works in a private hospital in Brussels. She has great love for ICT and her goal is to combine her Nursing career with ICT and develop m-health apps and telenursing especially for African countries.She is a UN Empower Women Global Champion for Change 2016–2017.

Quote: “You can start late, be different, be uncertain and still succeed” — Misty Copeland


Country: Nigeria

Deborah Braide is an Engineer and a Social Entrepreneur. She is the founder of Sisters’ Impact Africa, a network of young female leaders in STEM. Deborah also served on an assignment as an Energy Consultant to the Office of Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in a team under the office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Power.

Quote: ‘’No chance, no fate, no circumstance can hinder the firm resolve of a truly determined soul…’’

About Women in Tech Africa

Women in Tech Africa is a membership charity supporting women working in technology across Africa to positively support their communities. Women in Tech Africa has membership in over 30 countries on the continent and in the diaspora — Ghana, Kenya and London, South Africa and Nigeria among others. Some of our activities include:

  • Programming to support children choosing Science Technology and Math Careers
  • Training Female entrepreneurs on the use of technology to grow their business
  • Networking and Thought Leadership Events for Women in Tech
  • Partnering with industry players to bring job and growth opportunities to our members.

For more information, visit womenintechafrica.com

Originally published at gharage.



Claude Ayitey

I work on UX/UI, studied Computer Science, loved software enough to attend @MESTGhana and helped found @DevCongress. I play the piano. Also founded @BoughtSpot.