Notifications system in .NET 6 and Angular with SignalR

Aymen Ben Romdhane
4 min readDec 5, 2022


Notifications can be very useful in any application and add very interesting features in terms of user experience. Here, we want to create a notification that is triggered by the backend without the frontend requesting. This means that the backend pushes the data towards the frontend.

We will be using SignalR , a ASP.NET core library that adds real-time web functionality to applications.

This article will contains two parts:

  1. Backend Server
  2. Frontend Application

Backend Server

  • Create an ASP.NET core Web Api and choose .NET 6 as a framework.
  • In the solution add a Class Library that will contains the buisiness logic , I called it Domain.
  • We add the needed Product model

Your solution should look like this :

  • Next, add this code to your Domain layer to include the needed library, since SignalR now is part of the framework and you don’t need to install it separately
<FrameworkReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" />
  • Now let’s add a folder I called it Hub, feel free to name it however you want, this folder will hold the notification logic.
  • In this folder we add our Notification class :
  • Then we create an Interface named INotificationHub :

The name of the method here is very important, it is the connection between our boadcasting server and our listeners. Listeners will wait and respond when this method is invoked.

  • Next, we create a class. I named it ProductNotificationHub
    public class ProductNotificationHub : Hub<INotificationHub>

This class inherits from the strongly-typed hub Hub<T> in the SignalR library. This is better than the classic Hub class, which forces us to use the SendAsync method combined with a string to know which method to invoke which leaves a bigger room for error.

This class will be modified later to add a feature.

  • We need to map incoming client requests to the proper Hub and give it a route . We do that by adding this line in the Program.cs file :

Our clients will use “/Notify” to connect to our server.

  • We modify our repository so it calls our hub and invokes the SendMessage method whenever a product is updated:

We are using IHubContext<THub, T> to get an istance of our hub through dependency injection

and in line 49 we call our SendMessage method and pass a newly created notification.

Frontend Application

We create an Angular application in wich we install @microsoft/signalr

npm install @microsoft/signalr
  • We create a Modules folder inside we add a Product Module in wich we add 3 folders : Components,Models and Services :

In the services folder we create a SingalrService

>ng g service signalr

Your service should look like :

We have a startConnection() method that will use our private hubConnection object to build on it a HubConnection through the HubConnectionBuilder and start it.

Then the addProductListener() will add a listener to the SendMessage method and if it’s invoked it will create a toast notification via the showNotification(notification: Notification) method.

Of course we already created our productService that will call our api to get list of products ,the product model and the notification model :

In our component :

constructor(public productService: ProductService,private singlarService:SingalrService) {

Let’s see the magic happen !

Pretty cool right ? let’s add small feature : I want to get a notification only for a certain product. We do that by adding a method to our ProductNotificationHub that allows a client to subscribe to a certain product

public Task SuscribeToProduct(string productId)
return this.Groups.AddToGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, productId);

Update the InMemoryProductService by making it send the notification to only a certain group of users

await _productNotification.Clients.Group(product.ProductId).SendMessage(new Notification
ProductID = product.ProductId,
ProductName = product.ProductName,
Message = "Product Updated"

in the signalR service in the frontend application we add this method:

    public subscribeToProduct(productId:string)

In the component :


And an HTML button to call this method.

Watch the result

If you liked the tutorial don’t hesitate to buy me a coffe:

All the code can be found on my github :



Aymen Ben Romdhane

Passionate developer, always looking to enhance my skills and help other people at the same time