Cookbook for Azure Red Hat OpenShift — ARO

Aymen Abdelwahed
Published in
6 min readNov 19, 2019


As mentioned in my previous articles, Azure Red Hat OpenShift helps you focus on building your business logic and let Microsoft/Red Hat take care of security patches, compliance standards, daily-maintenance and the cluster’s high-availability.
Before diving deeper into the deployment of Azure Red Hat OpenShift, I suggest checking my previous articles to get better ideas on Azure Red Hat OpenShift, its benefits and drawbacks:

What are we cooking today?

The following architecture is going to be the result of our first ARO deployment.

Azure Red Hat OpenShift — Architecture overview

With a few steps, you can provision an ARO Cluster; After configuring a couple of dependencies in your Subscription, your cluster should be up and running.

Setting up the prerequisites

To be able to build/run your own Azure Red Hat OpenShift ARO cluster, some prerequisites need to be fulfilled first.

In the following steps, I assume you already have an Azure account, Azure AD tenant created and you already created an Azure Subscription.

Azure Login first



Aymen Abdelwahed

Is a Cloud-Native enthusiast with 14 plus years of experience. He’s continuously immersing himself in the latest technology trends & projects.