Olive Haircare
4 min readJun 23, 2022


An unpleasant, irritating stench that seems to be coming from the head, hair, and scalp is typically how scalp odors are described. The biggest surprise is that it may not always be due to improper scalp cleanliness; other possible causes include having an oily scalp, certain skin diseases, and more.

You will understand the causes, symptoms, treatments, and more of stinky scalp today if you have wondered why your scalp has an offensive odor.


  1. Hormonal imbalance: Hormonal imbalance is the leading cause of smelly hair syndrome (SHS). This is a condition where your scalp still smells after washing your hair due to overactive or underactive oil and sweat glands that secrete excess oil and sweat.
  2. Products build-up: Applying conditioners and kinds of butter on your scalp cause build-up. All this build-up won’t allow the hair to breathe because the scalp has tiny pores that clog the pore.

Products build up on the scalp cause the scalp to smell and itch.

3. Dry scalp: Dry scalp is when the scalp has no protective oil layer, which makes the scalp prone to infections.

Infections on the scalp cause itchiness and make the scalp have a particularly offensive odor too.

4. Tinea capitis: A fungus infection causes tinea capitis, and this ailment is thought to be the cause of smelly scalp syndrome. Dermatophytosis is the medical word for when the fungus invades the hair shafts and follicles.

5. Scalp psoriasis: Scalp psoriasis is a chronic skin disease with thick, scaly patches which are usually dry, red, burning, and sometimes accompanied by bleeding, which eventually causes itchiness.

6. Improper care of the hair: Few people don’t have their wash day properly, which causes build-ups, eventually leading to a smelling scalp.

Build-up from the conditioners and shampoos that were not properly washed and rinsed can cause your smelly scalp.

7. Reaction to hair care products

You react to some products which do not go along with your scalp. Some hair products react with the oils on your scalp, which later brings out a foul smell from the scalp.

8. Stress: Many of your body’s functions will be interfered with when you are under extreme stress. The generation of essential bodily hormones is typically hampered by stress.

When you are extremely stressed, it can cause hormonal imbalance leading to a smelly scalp.

9. Excessive sweating: When you experience excessive sweating, it takes a harmful effect on your scalp. If you are the gym type, you also tend to have a sweaty scalp due to all the workouts.

10. Wearing caps/hats/scarfs for a long time: When you have your hair covered for a long time without your hair in breathing space, you tend to have a smelly scalp.

When your hair is covered, the rate at which your scalp sweat increases, and it mixes with the oil produced, which causes the scalp to have a foul smell.

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Stay tuned for the solution to the reasons why your edges aren’t growing




Olive Haircare

I am a hair therapist and a writer. I help ladies and men have confidence in their hair with my hair teachings, and recommendations of products to use.