2 min readJun 16, 2024

Excel Basics: Getting Started with Spreadsheets

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for data management, analysis, and visualization. It is imperative that one should know excel if one is to succeed as a data analyst.

Here’s a quick guide to getting started with the basics:

  1. UNDERSTANDING THE INTERFACE: -Workbook and Worksheets: An Excel file is called a workbook, which contains one or more sheets called worksheets.
    - Cells: Each worksheet is a grid of cells identified by their column letter and row number (e.g., A1, B2, C4).
    - Ribbon: The top menu bar, known as the Ribbon, contains tabs like Home, Insert, and Formulas, each with its own set of tools.
    - Entering Data: Click on a cell and start typing to enter data. Press Enter to move to the next cell.
    - Formulas: Start a formula with an equals sign (=). For example, `=A1+B1` adds the values in cells A1 and B1.
    - AutoFill: Drag the fill handle (a small square at the cell’s bottom-right corner) to copy cell contents or extend a series (e.g., dates, numbers).
    - Text Formatting: Use the Home tab to change fonts, colors, and styles.
    - Number Formatting: Format numbers as currency, percentages, dates, and more using the Number group in the Home tab.
    - Cell Styles: Apply predefined styles for a consistent look.
    -Sorting and Filtering: Sort data alphabetically or numerically, and filter to display only the data that meets certain criteria.
    - Tables: Convert a range of data into a table to make it easier to manage and analyze.
    -Inserting Charts: Select your data and use the Insert tab to create charts like bar graphs, line charts, and pie charts.
    -Customizing Charts: Use the Chart Tools to customize the appearance and layout of your charts.
  6. COMMON FUNCTIONS: The basic common functions used in excel are, but not limited to,
    - SUM: `=SUM(A1:A10)` adds all numbers in the range A1 to A10.
    -AVERAGE: `=AVERAGE(B1:B10)` calculates the average of numbers in the range B1 to B10.
    -IF: `=IF(C1>10, "High", "Low")` returns "High" if the value in C1 is greater than 10, otherwise returns "Low".

By mastering these basics, you’ll be well on your way to leveraging Excel’s full potential for organizing and analyzing your data.

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I write about my learning journey on Data analysis and Data science. I write on topics such as Excel, SQL and PowerBI.