‘Mide Arowosegbe
2 min readMay 7, 2020

A friend of mine has a common saying that if you are not informed, you will be deformed, it is knowledge that liberates a man from the shackles of ignorance.

So many people eat and do things that put them on very fast lanes leading to dangerous outcomes and consequences, they claim not to know but “ignorance is not an excuse in law”.

Let’s see 7 key things we need to know about improper waste disposal as it affects us, our health and our environment.

  • Improper waste spots are breeding grounds for diseases and environmental strains.
  • Improper waste disposal comes with some harmful health effects which may be felt earlier while others take time.
  • Improper waste disposal is a sore to the eye as it affects the aesthetic value of the society.
  • A huge percentage of wastes from homes, offices, shops, malls contain toxic substances.
  • Burning of wastes causes major issues affecting the ozone layer (the ozone layer is the region of the earth’s stratosphere that absorbs the sun’s ultraviolet radiation). The ozone layer depletion leads to much heat on the earth.
  • Improper waste disposal causes harms to animals as it affects what they feed on, and ultimately those that feed on these animals benefit from these effects.
  • Improper waste disposal affects the economy due to side effects of health crisis making people unproductive, affecting their work and spending on treating diseases.

Do you want to continue improper waste disposal?

If your answer is Yes, then we need to get your address.

There are lots of benefits for us and our loved ones when our wastes are disposed properly.

Start today and see the difference.

Together,we have a cleaner and healthier nation.



‘Mide Arowosegbe

| Environmental Sustainability | Waste Management | Recycling | Greentility