One stitch at a time, my unconventional method to de-stress and get focussed

Annabel Youens
5 min readDec 10, 2019

“Morning team” I call out as I swing into my startup office. I’m a co-founder whose building a technology business with my husband and raising a toddler. Yep, I like to be busy…This is how most mornings start:

Okay, first I’ll answer that question from Tom about the problem he’s having with his account.

Anthony needs the final copy is for that marketing piece.

My mum is calling.

What am I going to make for dinner tonight. I think we have one onion left?

Oh man, there’s an alert from Google telling me I have a skype call in 10 minutes

Is there any more coffee left in the kitchen?

Does that sound familiar?

Coke Float Brain

Our brains are fizzing with information, ideas and deadlines like a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a coke float. From the moment I pull open the door that says, Appreciation Engine, until the time I bundle up in my coat I’m a fizzer. Most days I love being switched on but at 5pm I don’t want any more stimulation. I want to be more like a mug of earl grey tea, hot.

Entrepreneurial Hacks Galore



Annabel Youens

I’m a female co-founder of Appreciation Engine living in Victoria, BC. I love: sewing, community, scifi, modern classics, culture, board games and being bored.