How writing will change my life

This is game-changing for those who want to grow in their careers.

Ayrton Lima
3 min readMay 18, 2020
Person writing in a paper while sits on a wooden desk and drink coffee.
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

First of all, why am I starting to write?

I always wanted to write, not books or poems, but writing drafts about things I understand in order to prove to myself that I have mastered that subject. I am one of those people who are only sure they know the subject, when they take a pencil and paper and write everything they know about it, without using any help. Only then, I can confirm that I understood the theory. This learning method is known as Feynman Technique.

Furthermore, I find it very interesting the way that some writers manage to pass their knowledge by writing in such a natural way, as if that subject were very simple, when in fact is very complex. I always wanted to learn to write like this, now I’m giving myself a chance to start. Good luck for me!

So, how this will affect my life?

I think the main reason for me doing this is: Learn More and Learn Better. I will explain. I work as a Back-End Web Developer but I did Electronic Engineering in college, and it was about that time that I understood that if you want to be successful in your area, you should never stop learning. Currently, I chose to improve my career and I am starting to become Full Stack Web Developer. It is not an easy path, but I am sure it will be a fun one.

It was because of this choice that I tried to find the best way to learn new things, and I found that: The Protégé Effect, teaching someone else is the best way to learn. This is exactly what I always did using those drafts, with a small difference: now I will explain for someone else. So, every week from now on, I will be writing one article about some subject that I am learning so that other people can also follow this same path. I will show my difficulties, my solutions and my thoughts about the subject.

While I was deciding on this, I decided to research people who had done the same (there is always someone in the world who thought the same thing as you) and found many examples: this, this one, this one too… Everyone saying the same thing, writing about what you do can greatly improve your life.

Resuming what I was saying (about Learn More and Learn Better), I put together 3 main reasons to do what I am doing:

  1. Commitment to teaching.

As I said, I made a commitment to write weekly, and that’s what I’m going to do. At first it will be difficult, but over time the habit will form and it will become much easier to write about what I like. Besides, just imagining that other people will read what I am writing, it is already a help for me to write better on that particular subject.

2. Deep learning.

I think the more you write, the more you shows yourself to the world, consequently you learn more about yourself and the world around you. If I am serious about write something worth reading, I need to seek out the best information that I can find, this will of course, expand my knowledge about that subject.

3. Improve my English skills.

This one I wanted for so long time. My English is not that bad, I can listen and reading very well, but my writing and speaking needs a lot of corrections. So, one more reason to dive in into that mission.

That’s it, whenever I feel unmotivated, I just need to reread these reasons and keep going. This is my first article and I hope to make a lot of progress on my path and of course, have fun in the process.

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Ayrton Lima

Back-end Developer on the journey to Full Stack Web Developer. Write weekly about this journey and Python. Sometimes write about other things too.