Understanding vs Pushing Yourself

Learning when to do it, and how they’re both interconnected

Aysa Putri
3 min readMar 3, 2019

This week’s been a little tough, personally. There’s a bunch of scenarios in my life that would’ve never even crossed my mind, appeared just like that. At a time like this, it’s tough to keep maintaining my “daily routine”, things I’m supposed to do. My personal goals, and long list of to-do‘s that I’ve been keeping on track and check before all of the event happened.

by aysaptr on Instagram

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve learn to not run away from my responsibilities, and I’ve been working so hard to avoid that. It’s just that, I don’t know when it was appropriate to take a pause. Most of it comes from my lack of understanding about myself.

Understanding Yourself

So I did take a pause, even though I’m so anxious how it will affect my progress so far. But then I realized how it was actually a good decision.

At that pause, I learn that there are some things in life that is out of your control. You can’t feel ‘not sad’ or ‘okay’ no matter how much you’ve tried. That’s when I know and understand, that a pause is a much better choice for me. Cause when I push myself in a situation like that, it won’t help me recover, and everything that I did won’t make the best progress.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

Pushing Yourself

by aysaptr on Instagram

Jordan Syatt, in one of his newest video asked the audience something about, how you’re going to feel after you made the decision between taking a nap or pushing yourself to go to the gym to work out. Which one will made you feel better after?

Then I thought to myself, wow that made so much sense. I know I’d feel a lot better after I chose the uncomfortable.

The difference is, I know that I’m in control of the life in front of me. I know that if I take that nap, I won’t made any progress fitness wise. It’s not like if I don’t take that nap I’ll be having my worst day of my entire life. So I decided to push myself and choose to work out.

So that’s that, working out or staying active actually helped me get through out of the tough situation I was in.

In the end of the week (actually it took me quite longer than that), I understand myself a little bit better. I understand when it’s appropriate to take a pause, take a step back, look around, before going forward to achieve whatever it is I want to achieve.

It’s okay to do all of that, a little pause won’t hurt. As long as you get back on track, you’ll be fine.

Thank You so much for reading! Reach out to me here!



Aysa Putri

Handlettering Artist | Art & Design Enthusiast | I wrote stories mostly about myself & my own self improvement instagram.com/aysaptr @aysaptr