Nauli Kriya

4 min readApr 24, 2019


Nauli is the practice of contracting and isolating the rectus abdominal muscles. In the Gherand Samhita, it is known as lauliki. The root word Nala means the ‘navel string’ i.e. rectus abdominal muscles. It also means a tubular vessel. Lauliki comes from the word lola which means ‘to roll’ or ‘agitate.’

When the rectus abdominal muscles are rotated from left to right (anticlockwise), it is called Dakshina nauli. When they are rotated from right to left (clockwise), that is vama nauli. When the muscles are pulled together and the middle group of muscles protrudes, it is madhyama nauli. Before attempting nauli you must be able to perform uddiyana bandha properly.

The rectus abdominal are the two long vertical muscles situated in front of the abdomen, which run from under the center of the ribcage near the diaphragm to the pubic bone. Though these are the muscles you are manipulating in nauli, the external oblique and traverse abdomen are also utilized.

At first, nauli is practiced with the hands just above the knees and the body bent forward. Once this is perfected you can practice in a more erect position, hands placed on the upper thighs.

Stage 1: Vama and Dakshina Nauli (left and right isolation)

Stand with the feet 45 to 60 centimeters apart.

Bend the knees and rest the palms of the hands just above the knees, thumbs on the insides of the thighs, fingers touching the outsides, or as shown in the diagram.

Keep the head up and the eyes open. Breathe in deeply through the nose and exhale quickly through the mouth, slightly pursing the lips. Perform jalandhara bandha while maintaining bahiranga (external) kumbhaka. Suck the abdomen and stomach in by performing uddiyana bandha.

Lift the right hand slightly off the knee, keeping all the pressure on the left hand and knee, but do not lean to the left side. This will automatically isolate the rectus abdominal muscles on the left.

Then release uddiyana bandha, raise the head slowly, stand up and inhale slowly.

This is vama nauli. Practice in the same way on the right side.

Keep the right hand resting above the knee and slightly lift the left hand to isolate the rectus abdomini muscles on the right. This is Dakshina nauli. In between each round of nauli, release uddiyana first, then jalandhara, raise the head, stand erect and then breathe in very slowly through the nose. Take a few normal breaths before practicing the next round.

Stage 2: Madhyama Nauli (central abdominal contraction)

Practice vama or Dakshina nauli as in stage 1, and then start to roll the muscles to the other side, but before they reach the opposite side hold them in the middle. In order to roll the muscles, slowly bring the weight back onto the hand which was lifted from the knee. While holding the muscles in the center, both hands should rest above the knees. This is madhyama nauli.

Stage 3: Practice in the same way as stages 1 and 2 but learn to control the contraction of the muscles and to isolate the muscle groups without lifting the hands from the legs.

First, try by just releasing the pressure off the hand without moving it from the leg.

Gradually begin to control the practice so that the hands remain fixed on the legs. Then practice with the hands on the upper thighs.

Stage 4: Abdominal rotation or churning

Stand in the same position as in Stage 1, keeping the hands on the legs above the knees throughout the whole practice. Practice vama nauli and then roll the muscles to the right and back to the left. Continue rotating the muscles in a clockwise direction. This is known as ‘churning.’

Start by practicing it three times consecutively, then release. Practice Dakshina nauli in the same way, rotating the muscles anticlockwise.

When this churning is perfected, practice it three times with Vama nauli, then three times with Dakshina nauli and release. When this is perfected you can increase to ten rotations, then twenty rotations.

Stage 5: Practice Stages 1 and 2 sitting in siddhasana/ Siddha yoni asana with the buttocks raised slightly by a cushion. Initially, it will be difficult to control the muscles in the sitting position, so it is better to first perfect the practice of nauli in the standing position.

Nauli is foremost of the hatha yoga practices. It kindles the digestive fire, removing indigestion, sluggish, digestion, and all disorders of the doshas, and brings about happiness.

Shatkarma and asanas stimulate digestion, but nauli is said to be the best for this. It quickly tones the abdominal muscles, nerves, intestines, reproductive, excretory and urinary organs. In fact, there is not one part of the internal system which is not stimulated by this practice. When the abdominal muscles are manipulated, not only are they toned, but all the internal organs are massaged.

Asana and pranayama practice definitely generates energy, but nauli activates the system in a much shorter time and with greater force. Its effects are particularly noticeable on the digestive and excretory systems. It generates heat in the body, stimulates digestion, assimilation, and absorption, thereby reducing excretion. It balances the endocrine system and helps control the production of sex hormones.

Nauli is especially useful for alleviating constipation, indigestion, nervous diarrhea, acidity, flatulence, depression, hormonal imbalances, sexual and urinary disorders, laziness, dullness, lack of energy and emotional disturbances. Through its practice, one can control one’s appetite and sensual desires and strengthen one’s willpower. If this can be attained, the practitioner will definitely find deeper satisfaction within. However, nauli cannot be practiced by everyone. Those who are suffering from heart disease, hypertension, hernia, gastric or duodenal ulcers, or who are recovering from some internal injury or abdominal surgery, cannot do it.

