Google Grants $1 Million To Move From C++ To Rust. Is C++ Slowly Dying?

Ayush Thakur
5 min readFeb 16, 2024


Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash

If you are a developer who works with C++ or Rust, you might have heard the recent news that Google has pledged $1 million to the Rust Foundation to improve the interoperability between the two languages. This is part of the Interop Initiative, which aims to help organizations slowly migrate their current C++ code to Rust. But why is Google doing this? And what does it mean for the future of C++ and Rust? In this blog post, we will explore these questions and more. Let’s get started!

Why Rust?

Rust is a multi-paradigm programming language that focuses on performance and safety. It was developed by Mozilla for the Firefox browser, but it has gained popularity among many other developers who value its speed and memory safety. Rust is designed to prevent common errors in C++ such as null or dangling pointers, memory leaks, buffer overflows, and data races. These errors can cause security vulnerabilities, crashes, or unpredictable behavior in C++ programs. Rust avoids these errors by using a unique system of ownership and borrowing, which ensures that each piece of data has a clear and unique owner at any given time, and that no two mutable references can access the same data simultaneously. Rust also supports concurrency and parallelism, which are essential for modern applications that need to handle multiple tasks at the same time.

Why C++?

C++ is one of the most widely used and influential programming languages in the world. It was created in 1985 as an extension of C, adding features such as classes, inheritance, polymorphism, templates, and exceptions. C++ is known for its power and flexibility, allowing developers to write low-level code that interacts directly with hardware, as well as high-level code that implements complex algorithms and data structures. C++ is also compatible with C, which means that it can use existing libraries and code written in C. C++ has a large and active community, with many resources, tools, and frameworks available for developers. C++ is commonly used for system-level development, such as operating systems, device drivers, embedded systems, and games.

Why Interoperability?

Despite the advantages of Rust, it is not realistic to expect that all C++ code can be easily and quickly rewritten in Rust. C++ has been around for much longer than Rust, and it has a huge legacy of code that powers many critical applications and systems. Rewriting such code in Rust would be costly, time-consuming, and risky, as it could introduce new bugs or break existing functionality. Therefore, it makes sense to have a gradual and smooth transition from C++ to Rust, rather than a sudden and radical one. This is where interoperability comes in. Interoperability means that C++ and Rust code can work together seamlessly, without requiring major changes or sacrifices in performance or functionality. Interoperability allows developers to leverage the best of both worlds: they can keep using their existing C++ code, while also taking advantage of the benefits of Rust for new or critical parts of their code.

How Does Interoperability Work?

Interoperability between C++ and Rust is achieved by using a common interface language called C. C is the ancestor of both C++ and Rust, and it is widely supported by many compilers and platforms. C has a simple and stable syntax and semantics, which makes it easy to translate between different languages. C also has a low-level and expressive nature, which allows it to represent complex data types and operations. To make C++ and Rust code interoperate, developers need to follow some steps:

  • First, they need to define a C interface for their C++ or Rust code. This means that they need to write a header file (.h) in C that declares the functions, types, and variables that they want to expose to the other language. The header file should use only C-compatible types and conventions, such as pointers, structs, enums, and macros.
  • Second, they need to implement the C interface for their C++ or Rust code. This means that they need to write a source file (.cpp or .rs) in C++ or Rust that defines the functions, types, and variables that they declared in the header file. The source file should use the appropriate language features and idioms, such as classes, templates, ownership, and borrowing.
  • Third, they need to compile and link their C++ or Rust code with the C interface. This means that they need to use a compiler and linker that support both languages, such as GCC, Clang, or Rustc. The compiler and linker should produce a binary file (.exe, .dll, .so, etc.) that contains the C++ or Rust code and the C interface.
  • Fourth, they need to use the C interface to call the C++ or Rust code from the other language. This means that they need to include the header file in their C++ or Rust code, and use the functions, types, and variables that they defined in the C interface. The C++ or Rust code should handle the conversion and adaptation between the C interface and the native language features, such as memory management, error handling, and generics.

What Are the Benefits of Interoperability?

Interoperability between C++ and Rust has many benefits for developers and users. Some of the main benefits are:

  • Improved security and reliability. By using Rust for the parts of the code that are most prone to errors or attacks, such as memory allocation, concurrency, or network communication, developers can reduce the risk of memory errors, data races, or buffer overflows, which can compromise the security and reliability of the application or system.
  • Increased performance and efficiency. By using C++ for the parts of the code that require high performance or low-level control, such as graphics, audio, or hardware interaction, developers can optimize the speed and resource usage of the application or system.
  • Enhanced productivity and maintainability. By using a common C interface, developers can simplify the communication and integration between C++ and Rust code, without requiring complex wrappers or bindings. They can also reuse existing C++ or Rust libraries and code, without having to rewrite them in the other language.
  • Greater flexibility and innovation. By having the option to choose between C++ and Rust for different parts of the code, developers can experiment with new ideas and features, and find the best solution for their problem. They can also learn from the strengths and weaknesses of each language and improve their skills and knowledge.

Is C++ Slowly Dying?

The answer to this question is no. C++ is not slowly dying, nor is it being replaced by Rust. C++ and Rust are both powerful and popular programming languages, with different goals and trade-offs. C++ is a mature and versatile language, with a long history and a large legacy. Rust is a young and innovative language, with a strong focus and a bright future. Both languages have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they can coexist and cooperate, rather than compete and conflict. Interoperability between C++ and Rust is a win-win situation, as it allows developers to use the best tool for the job, and users to enjoy the best results. C++ and Rust are not enemies, but allies.



Ayush Thakur

🔍 Inquisitive Researcher 📚 Academic Writer 🐧 Linux 💻 Python Developer