Skeuomorphism was a big trend back then and its back again with a New Approach Neumorphism (New+Skeuomorphism).

Ayush Papnai
2 min readJun 13, 2020


So, Neumorphism is softer than actual skeuomorphism and should be use according to usability and market needs. With this said lets jump to the simple steps required to create a Neumorphic Design.

Step 1

The first and the most important step is to choose right colors for this effect to occur.

As shown in the image the best way is to use Adobe Illustrator and immediately get the best shades for the Design.

After getting these color you need to give a perfect shadow and that brings us to our next step.


So guys, Once you have the right colors then you just have to set the perfect shadows for the shapes as shown in the image.

Now, putting the X & Y for the shadow totally depends on you but keep in mind the negative shadows and positive shadows must have equal pixel positions and blur.

Hey, this was easy….Now you can do the same with texts and make your next design Neumorphic.


There is another simple way to achieve Neumorphism.

In case you are using a dark UI color you can directly set drop shadow as black and upper shadow as white with lower opacity and follow step 2 as above.

The color used here is #006DFF

Guys always keep in mind ‘ what ever you create must not be liked by you but by the user ‘, So always market research for the present trends and then use a design.

Hope you guys have enjoyed the simple 2 step Neumorphic Design creation and i will bring more such awesome posts for you.

