“Some are good at school, others are good at life

Ayush R Pandey
3 min readApr 24, 2020


“Some are good at school, others are good at life” — This is a very famous quote, Entrepreneurs and motivators use for motivating themselves and other aspiring persons to do something big and impactful in life.

When we were small, we were taught that if we wanted to be successful, we had to study hard and get good results at school. Getting straight “A”s had to be our goal if we wanted to succeed in life. The good boys and good girls who were very disciplined at school, submitting all their assignments on time and getting good results in exams may just end up doing a job they don’t like even though they can make money out of it.I’m not discouraging anyone to give up studying; there’re subjects such as languages, simple maths, music, finance and physical education which are useful for us. I’m trying to say is that the school curriculum is not perfect.

I have recently watched a video of Robert Kiyosaki, writer of Rich Dad and Poor Dad in which he explains how he explains that how the schools and government’s main motive is to teach us to get a job not to make money.

It may be noted that success has various definitions, making money does not guarantee that you are successful. Success generally means accomplishing a desired aim or result and having achieved fame, wealth, or social status. But it varies from person to person and everyone has their definition of success.

Some of us deceive ourselves both at life and school and end up doing nothing. When we are at school we try to convince our mind that study is of no use and wastes their precious time and when they face the challenges of life they shatter. We must note that Study and Education are two different things, Elon Musk Motivation: “Don’t confuse schooling with education. I didn’t go to Harvard but the people that work for me did.”

Schools should promote individual, critical thinking and true ownership, passion, and leadership. To succeed at school, you need to be obedient, and whether you’re good or not very much depends on the teachers’ expectations. And instead of helping students to understand why they should do certain things, teachers (or the school system) simply force students to follow the rules, leaving students with no room for originality and critical thinking. But life doesn’t work like this in reality. To succeed in life, we need to think out of the box instead of doing what everyone else’s doing. And there’re many aspects to take care of aside from the school subjects, We need to educate yourself. Educated people are independent minds, self-motivated, passionate, successful. You don’t have to know everything yourself but you have to know your circle of competence. And find the knowledge your missing. And use all skills to their best.

I am emphasizing in the fact that never blindly believe what you’ve been told about getting good grades is the only way to be successful, or that following rule is always for the best of you. Create your way and leave an impact. But also don’t break the rules unless you’ve learned and understood the rationale behind it.

