Objects — Writable, Configurable & Enumerable

2 min readMay 15, 2017


Few days ago, I was playing with JS object. They looks so simple but very very powerful entity. So object has a config which contains four property as value, writable, enumerable and configurable.

Object Creation

// Each of the following options will create a new empty object:var newObject = {};// orvar newObject = Object.create( Object.prototype );// orvar newObject = new Object();

Set Property

var newObject = {a: 1};// Accessing to a propertynewObject.a; // => 1// Modifying the value of a propertynewObject.a = 0;newObject.a; // => 0;// Creating a new propertynewObject.b = 2;newObject.b; // => 2// Deleting a propertydelete newObject.b;newObject.b; // => undefined

but, you know that all the properties above are writable, configurable & enumerable, I mean :

  • writable: I can modify their values, I can update a property just assigning a new value to it.Defaults to true.
  • enumerable: I can access to all of them using a for..in loop. Also, enumerable property keys of an object are returned using Object.keys method. Defaults to true.
  • configurable: I can modify the behavior of the property, so I can make them non-enumerable, non-writable or even non-cofigurable if I feel like doing so. Configurable properties are the only ones that can be removed using the delete operator. Defaults to true.

So Let’s take a quick look that how to use above config and how it works:

// Set propertiesObject.defineProperty( newObject, 'a', {   value: "some value",   writable: true,   enumerable: true,   configurable: true});

Object’s enumerable property

  • Enumerable
Object.defineProperty( newObject, 'a', {
value: "some value",
enumerable: true,
// Object {a: "some value"}
for (var key in newObject) { console.log(key) }
// a

// ["a"]
  • Non-Enumerable
Object.defineProperty( newObject, 'a', {
value: "some value",
enumerable: false,
// Object {a: "some value"}for (var key in newObject) { console.log(key) }
// undefined
// []

Object’s writable property

  • writable
Object.defineProperty( newObject, 'a', {
value: "some value",
writable: true,
// Object {a: "some value"}
newObj.a = 'some other new value';
// "some other new value"
// Object {a: "some other new value"}
  • Non-writable
Object.defineProperty( newObject, 'a', {
value: "some value",
writable: false,
// Object {a: "some value"}
newObj.a = 'some other new value';
// "some other new value"
// Object {a: "some value"}

Object’s configurable property

  • configurable
Object.defineProperty( newObject, 'a', {
value: "some value",
configurable: true,
// Object {a: "some value"}
delete newObject.a;
// true
// Object {}
  • Non-configurable
Object.defineProperty( newObject, 'a', {
value: "some value",
configurable: false,
// Object {a: "some value"}
delete newObject.a;
// false
// Object {a: "some value"}

Reference : https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/defineProperty

