Industry 4.0 : The Future Concept

6 min readJan 25, 2020


As the Name Suggests a New Version of industry or You can say Fourth Industry Revolution. Industry 4.0 is a model that shows how industrial production follows the latest developments and changes over time. The Concept of Industry Internet has been brought up in North America by the General Electric Company in late 2012. It is seen as a tight integration of physical and digital worlds that combines big data analytics with the Internet of Things. The concept assumes a much broader application area as the Industry 4.0 and covers power generation and distribution, healthcare, manufacturing, public sector, transportation and mining [1]. Within the Industrial Internet consortium that was founded by General Electrics and some other companies , it has been estimated that 46% of the global economy can benefit from the Industrial Internet.

There are four design principles in Industry 4.0 which support companies in identifying and implementing Industry 4.0 scenarios.

· Interconnection : Connect peoples and Machines via Internet of Things(IoT).

· Information Transparency : provides operators with vast amounts of useful information needed to make appropriate decisions.

· Technical Assistance : Assistance systems are designed to support operators that need to make informed decisions to solve urgent problems on short notice.

· Decentralized Decisions : This ability to combine local and global information at the same time helps to drive better decision-making and increase overall productivity.

What Smart Factory is??

Smart Factory (A key Feature of Industry 4.0) adopts a System That is able to deal with physical as well as Virtual World in Which Digital Smart Devices are Networked and They communicate with raw materials,semi-finished Products,Machines ,Robots,tools And Men.

What’s The Idea of Industry 4.0:

Industry 4.0 is The Combination of innovations In Digital Technologies like Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning,IoT,Cloud etc…

The Idea behind Industry 4.0 is to create a Social Network in which Machines can Communicate with each other called Internet of Things(IoT) or with the Humans/peoples called Internet of People(IoP). By using This Type of Technology Machines can Communicate with each other and also with the manufactures to Create a what we now call A Cyber-Physical production System(CPPS). All of this Helps industries to Integrate the real World into a virtual one and Enables machine to Collect live Data, analyzing them and even make Decisions based upon Them.

The Basic concept of Industry 4.0 was first presented at The Hannover Fair in the year 2011.That time Industry 4.0 was a common Topic in Research.The main idea is to exploit the potentials of new Technologies and Concept such as:

Ø Availability and use of The Internet And IoT.

Ø integration of technical processes and business processes in the companies,

Ø digital mapping and virtualization of the real world,

Ø ‘Smart’ factory including ‘smart’ means of industrial production and ‘smart’ products.

Why Industry 4.0:

Last 350 years of industrial development has started with Industry 1.0, after the second and third industrial revolution. Today we are in fourth industrial revolution. All innovations are possible today because of enhanced digital power.

The First Industrial Revolution(The Period between 1760 and 1820) used water and steam power to mechanize production.The people were used to do a lot of Manual Work. Goods that had once been painstakingly crafted by hand started to be produced in mass quantities by machines in factories, thanks to the introduction of new machines and techniques in textiles, iron making and other industries.

The Second Industrial Revolution or Technological Revolution is the period Between 1870 and 1914. It was an era when industrial growth created a class of wealthy entrepreneurs and a comfortable middle class supported by workers who were made up by immigrants and arrivals from America’s farms and small towns.

In the second half of the 20th century, a third industrial revolution appeared with the emergence of a new type of energy whose potential surpassed its predecessors: nuclear energy. This revolution witnessed the rise of electronics — with the transistor and microprocessor — but also the rise of telecommunications and computers. This new technology led to the production of miniaturized material which would open doors, most notably to space research and biotechnology.

After These 3 Revolutions ,Today we Are in Fourth Industrial Revolution. Almost all innovations are possible in this era because of enhanced Digital Power. The fourth industrial revolution is however is not only about smart and connected machine and systems its scope is much wider. The 4th industrial Revolution has “intelligence” as a kernel component and this means that traditional stable white collar roles will be impacted. As data, i.e. Big-Data, is now centralised in a few platforms it can be harvested and processed by the growing number of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications. AI / ML applications will use information streams from Data Lakes and Dataware House solutions to learn and to initiate the appropriate automated response. Smart Factories is one such application that will use information to help with just in time manufacturing. For Industry 4.0 the very foundations of the education system must be overhauled and the teaching geared up to enlighten students of the need to re-invent themselves every 18–36 months for new roles. New skills / competence will be required and a learn / unlearn approach will have to be adopted. The current education system allows you to study for a degree (e.g. Law, Civil Engineering, etc..) and sets you up for a specific career.Industry 4.0, Narrow-AI, ML, General AI, etc.. changes the game as “intelligence” coupled with Data is now the new currency of value.

Advantages of Industry 4.0:

The Rapid Changes in the information and commucation technologies have broken the bounderies between Virtual World and Real World. Digitization of industry by its nature involves cross-border transactions and none of the single Member State is able to find answers to global challenges.Complying the Regular industries like pharmaceutical and medical device Manufacturing does not have to be a manual Process,Industry 4.0 made possible to automate compliance including track and trace and more.

It also Represents Do more with Less Cost.We can Produce more and Faster while allocating your resources more Cost-Effectively and Efficiently.Becoming A Smart Factory does not happened overnight, and it won’t happen on its own. To achieve it, you need to invest, so there are upfront costs. However, the cost of manufacturing at your facilities will dramatically fall as a result of Industry 4.0 technologies, i.e. automation, systems integration, data management, and more. The benefits of Industry 4.0 and potential return on investment are what is truly important, though. To stay competitive and equip your production lines for the future, the time to think about the next stage of your Industry 4.0 journey is now.

Disadvantages of Industry 4.0:

There are Enumerous Disadvanatges As well.

Ø Cyber Security is a Major Concern. With Russia, N Korea, China playing a major role in hacking into systems, this will be a major headache.

Ø Skills and education of workers working on industry 4.0 based processes needs to be improved drastically.

Ø Corporate IT department will become redundant and hence adoption of industry 4.0 is a major threat for these IT staff. So they will try to block everything.

Ø Proactive Maintenance to reduce costly production outages is expensive.

Ø Reliability and stability are required for M2M (Machine to Machine) communication. This demands very short and stable latency timings in the system.

Ø Integrity of production processes is crucial.


As in Conclusion we can say that The Industry 4.0 is a specialization of the Internet of Things applied to the manufacturing/industrial environment. It assumes a real-time data collection leading to the issue of handling and analysing huge data and cybersecurity.

There are only very few Industry 4.0 enterprises, mostly new enterprises built to prove the concept. It can be expected that most of the enterprises will introduce the Industry 4.0 elements gradually and by building on already existing equipment and software solutions, thus not endangering the stability of their production.

