Find the Right Water Purifier: Essential Factors to Consider

3 min readApr 19, 2024

When it comes to drinking clean water, having the right water purifier in your home can make a big difference. Picking the right one can take some time and research to understand the different options available to you.

In this article, we’ll help you understand the important things to consider when choosing a water purifier so you can find the best one for your needs.

  1. Water Quality and Source: Find out where your water comes from and how clean it is. Is your water from the city or a well? Knowing this helps you choose the right kind of filtration technology. If you are worried about contaminants like bacteria and viruses, a purifier with UV or RO technology is a good choice. If you have hard water, you may need a water softener.
  2. Filtration Technology: Different water purifiers use different methods to clean water, such as Reverse Osmosis (RO), Ultra Violet (UV), and Activated Carbon filters. RO systems remove dissolved salts and impurities, while UV systems kill bacteria and viruses. Activated carbon filters take out chlorine and other organic compounds. Think about the quality of your water and choose a technology that meets your needs.
  3. Maintenance and Filter Replacement : Water purifiers need regular maintenance to work well. This includes changing filters and cleaning parts to prevent buildup of impurities. Before you buy a water purifier, find out how easy it is to maintain and how often you’ll need to replace the filters. Choose a model with accessible parts and affordable replacement filters.
  4. Purifier Capacity : Think about your household’s water consumption when picking a purifier. A larger tank is good for bigger families because it reduces the need to refill often. If you have limited space, you might prefer a smaller model.
  5. Certifications and Reviews: Choose water purifiers certified by recognized organizations such as NSF or WQA to ensure quality and safety. Check customer reviews and feedback to see how well the purifier performs and how reliable it is.
  6. Budget : Set a budget for your purchase water purifier, but remember that more advanced filtration technologies might be more expensive. Consider the long-term savings from using a high-quality purifier that effectively cleans your water.
  7. Additional Features : Some water purifiers have extra features like TDS controllers, indicators for filter replacement, or hot and cold water options. These features can be convenient, but think about whether you really need them for your household.

After choosing the best water purifier for your needs, you can decide how to pay for it. Bajaj Finserv offers flexible financing options that make purchasing your water purifier more affordable.

With easy EMI plans and low upfront costs, you can bring home the right water purifier without a big impact on your budget. Bajaj Finserv’s options help you invest in clean, safe water for your family.

