CS 373 Spring 2023: Ayushi Oswal

Ayushi Oswal
2 min readMar 4, 2023


What did you do this past week?

This past week I worked on setting up Docker for the front end. I also continued to learn about React and played around with the design of the homepage a little bit to learn more about aesthetics.

What’s in your way?

Currently what is in my way is connecting the back end and front end. I am not sure how to pull information from the APIs, however, I will be spending this weekend figuring that out and working on that.

What will you do next week?

This upcoming week my group and I will work on finishing up Phase II of the project. We have mainly frontend things left so we will be working on creating the model pages and pulling data to populate the cards and pages. After Wednesday we will then start looking at Phase III and looking into how to implement that and create a gameplan for getting that finished.

What did you think of Paper #8. The Integration Segregation Principle?

I thought it was an interesting principle! It is cool to see how all the principles that we have read about before also connect to this one and how everything is coming together. I had never heard of the term “fat” interfaces before this paper so that was something new I learned.

What was your experience of yield, closures, and Cache? (this question will vary, week to week)

I had no previous experience with yield and closures, and some of the elements of Cache were new to me. The ideas are still a little confusing to me since they are very new, but with time I think they will make more sense. One concept that I found particularly confusing was the closures, but it was also very interesting to learn about since I had never heard of them before.

What made you happy this week?

My friend came up from Houston this week and is staying for the weekend which I am happy about! I have not seen her in a while and it is nice talking to her.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick of the week is Docker since I was working with it quite a bit to set up the image for the front end. Personally, whenever I would pull from GitLab I would have a hard time running the React app and had to go through a lot of hoops to make it work. Docker has helped with that problem.

