5 simple ways to make your skin healthy.

Ayushi giri
3 min readAug 19, 2021


Doable without using any beauty product.

Whenever it comes to taking care of our skin and body we usually rely on expensive market products and expect them to do wonders on our skin. But the harsh truth is that it’s not mandatory that they will work just fine on our skin. So what else we can do to treat our skin and make it healthy without spending much money. Here we are going to discuss 5 easy to do ways to improve your skin at home.

Drinking a lot of water

When it comes to taking this advice seriously people usually make fun of this amazing habit and do not believe in its amazing after effects . From my personal experience of skincare i have realized how much affect proper hydration has on our skin as well on our body . It’s been more than two years of my good intake of water journey and it has improved my skin a lot. We have heard about the 3 to 4 litres of water consumption theory but many people find it hard to switch to that level. No worries all you have do to is to start with 1 litre per day and slowly take that to the average amount. It can surely do wonders.

Changing your pillow case every 10 to 15 days

I have seen very few people doing this in their lifestyle. The reason behind doing this is avoid impurities to get in contact with our skin every night. By using the same pillow cover for months we allow the dirt and impurities to enter our skin which causes many problems. Use a clean pillow case and change it twice or thrice every month to see the results.

Using two different towels for face and hands.

Using the same towel for our face and for our hands is one of the biggest mistake people make in their skin routine. It’s very important to realize the difference between our face skin and hand skin . Our face skin is much more delicate and sensitive as compared to other parts that’s why require separate care . Also the material of towel should be good to get amazing effects. Do not rub your skin after washing just try to soak the water calmly with a soft good quality towel.

Eating healthy food and avoiding junk food.

Seems like the toughest part of good skin care journey but has maximum good effects on skin. Do not try to leave everything at once . Start eating healthy first then try to make balance between healthy and junk . Use the 80 -20 rule for consuming food . 80% should goes to healthy and remaining portion goes to food you like eating. Make this a habit and it will surely have a wonderful effect on your skin.

Treat your skin like your friend.

Let’s take an example of your friend being in trouble . Your first reaction would be to solve her problem by giving a long term advice right . Exactly like that whenever their is a problem with your skin like an uninvited guest pimple or an expected tan do not try to treat it with short term solutions . It will make it worse . Always look for natural organic solution without being in hurry. Treat it with care and it will reduce the chances of future skin related problems.



Ayushi giri

Freelance content writer, social media enthusiast, Creating engaging and plagiarism free content to help in brand's growth.