Deep Dive into Solana Blockchain Development: Tools, Communities, Growth, and Learning Resources

42 min readFeb 27, 2024


Imagine a blockchain platform where transactions fly by in the blink of an eye, costs are a mere whisper, and developers are empowered with tools to innovate at lightning speed. That’s the promise of Solana, a blockchain that’s redefining the limits of scalability and performance.

If you’re a developer with an eye on the future of decentralized applications, Solana is a landscape brimming with opportunity. In this deep dive, we’ll unveil the secrets of Solana development — the essential tools, the vibrant communities fueling growth, and the vast resources that pave the way to building groundbreaking dApps on this cutting-edge blockchain. Let’s get started!

Let’s learn about the Solana fundamentals first

What is Solana?

  • A Super-Fast Blockchain: Solana is a blockchain platform designed to be incredibly fast and capable of handling thousands of transactions per second. This makes it ideal for applications that need to process a lot of information quickly, like decentralized exchanges or high-speed games.
  • Low Fees: Transactions on Solana are also very cheap. This makes it a great option for applications where micropayments (tiny transactions) are needed.
  • Developer-Friendly: Solana aims to make it easy for developers to build on its platform. It uses familiar programming languages and provides tools to simplify the development process.

Solana Development Lifecycle

1. Setup your development environment

2. Write your program

  • Structure: A Solana program (written in Rust) typically consists of an entry point function and other supporting functions.
  • Solana SDK: Utilize the Solana program SDK to interact with the Solana runtime.


use solana_program:: {
fn process_instruction(
program_id: &Pubkey,
accounts: &[AccountInfo],
instruction_data: &[u8],
) -> ProgramResult {
msg!("Hello, Solana!");

3. Compile the program

  • Anchor Framework (Recommended): Anchor is a powerful framework that simplifies Solana development. Learn more at [invalid URL removed].
  • Manual Compilation: If not using Anchor, compile your Rust project into a shared object file (.so) compatible with the Solana BPF loader.

4. Deploy the program

Use the Solana CLI to deploy your compiled program to the Solana network.

Bash solana program deploy path/to/your/

5. Generate program’s public address

The deployment process will output your program’s public address on the Solana blockchain. This address is necessary for interacting with your program.

Key Considerations and Further Exploration

  • Program Accounts: Solana programs interact with data stored in accounts. Understanding account creation and management is vital.
  • Client-Side Development: Building front-ends with JavaScript or other languages using libraries like @solana/web3.js.
  • Testing: Rigorous testing for Solana programs is essential. Anchor offers testing support.

Reading/Writing The Data

Reading data from the blockchain

It’s time to go back. All the way back to kindergarten. Remember what the first thing you ever learned was? The alphabet. Once you had conquered all 26, you learned how to read. That’s where your journey to becoming a Solana developer began. The singular skill of reading English is what empowered you to become the glass-chewing gigabrain you are now.

Time to do it again. We’ll pick up where your kindy teacher should have left off — reading data from the blockchain.

Accounts on Solana

Starting with the Solana Alphabet, we have A for accounts. We’re starting with accounts because smart contracts on Solana, referred to as “programs”, are stateless — meaning they don’t store anything except code. Everything happens in accounts so they’re central to Solana, they’re used for storage, contracts, and for native blockchain programs.

There are three types of accounts on Solana -

  • Data accounts — these store data lol
  • Program accounts — these store executable programs (AKA smart contracts)
  • Native accounts — these are for core blockchain functions like Stake, Vote

Native accounts are what the blockchain needs to function, we’ll dive into that later. For now, we’ll just work with data and program accounts.

Within data accounts, you have two further types -

  • System owned accounts
  • PDA (Program Derived Address) accounts

We’ll get to what these actually are soon ™️, just go along for now.

Each account comes with a number of fields that you should know about:

We’re gonna focus only on stuff we need to know about right now, so if something doesn’t make sense, just keep going — we’ll start filling in the gaps as we go along.

Lamports are the smallest unit of Solana. If you’re familiar with Ethereum ecosystem this is sorta like Gwei. One lamport = 0.000000001 SOL, so this field just tells us how much SOL the account has.

Each account has a public key — it acts like an address for the account. Ya know how your wallet has an address that you use for receiving those spicy NFTs? Same thing! Solana addresses are just base58 encoded strings.

executable is a boolean field that tells us if the account contains executable data. Data is what’s stored in the account, and rent we’ll cover later!

Let’s stick with the simple stuff for now :)

Reading from the network

Alright, we know what accounts are, how do we read them? We’ll use something called a JSON RPC endpoint! Check out this diagram, you’d be the client here, trying to read stuff from the Solana network.

You make an API call to the JSON RPC with the stuff you want, it communicates with the network and gives you the goodies.

If we wanted to get the balance of an account, here’s what the API call would look like -

async function getBalanceUsingJSONRPC(address: string): Promise<number> {
const url = clusterApiUrl('devnet')
return fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify({
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "getBalance",
"params": [
}).then(response => response.json())
.then(json => {
if (json.error) {
throw json.error
return json['result']['value'] as number;
.catch(error => {
throw error

A bunch of stuff is happening here. We’re making a post request where the body has specific parameters telling the RPC what to do. We need to specify the version of the RPC, the id, the method, which in this case is getBalance and the parameters that that method needs, which in this case is just address.

We have a bunch of boilerplate for a really simple method, so instead, we can use Solana’s Web3.js SDK. Here’s what it takes:

async function getBalanceUsingWeb3(address: PublicKey): Promise<number> {
const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl('devnet'));
return connection.getBalance(address);

Ain’t that pretty? All we need to do to get someone’s Solana balance is these three lines. Imagine if it was that easy to get anyone’s bank balance.

Now you know how to read data from accounts on Solana! I know this may seem insignificant, but just using this one function, you can get the balance of any account on Solana. Imagine being able to get the bank balance of any bank account on the planet, that’s how powerful this is.

Wallet Connections: To perform a transaction and ultimately interact with the Solana Blockchain, you need SOL. Your SOL resides in your wallets which need to be connected to your environment. (Connections in session 2)

  • Wallet Connections: To perform a transaction and ultimately interact with the Solana Blockchain, you need SOL. Your SOL resides in your wallets which need to be connected to your environment.
  • Interaction With A Program: After the wallet is connected, we interact with the Solana Blockchain based on the data received from the wallet and the user input.
  • Interaction Scripts: To interact with the Solana Blockchain, we use interaction scripts which act as a language to communicate between

Writing data to the blockchain

Time to graduate kindergarten. We know all about reading — you just make API calls to JSON RPC endpoints. Let’s write to the blockchain!


To write data to the blockchain, you need to submit transactions. Think of it like a data write command that can be rejected if certain conditions aren’t met.

To make sense of transactions and how they work, you’ll need to know what key pairs are. As the name suggests, these are a pairing of keys — one is public, and the other is private. The public key points to the address of an account on the network and each pubkey has a corresponding private/secret key.

The Web3.js library has a couple of helper functions to work with keypairs. You can generate keypairs and use them to get the public or secret keys.

// Create a new keypair
const ownerKeypair = Keypair.generate()
// Get the public key (address)
const publicKey = ownerKeypair.publicKey
// Get the secret key
const secretKey = ownerKeypair.secretKey

Secret keys can have a couple of different formats -

  • Mnemonic phrase — this is the most common

pill tomorrow foster begin walnut borrow virtual kick shift mutual shoe scatter

  • A bs58 string — wallets sometimes export this
  • Bytes — when writing code, we usually deal with the raw bytes as an array of numbers
[ 174, 47, 154, 16, 202, 193, 206, 113, 199, 190, 53, 133, 169, 175, 31, 56, 222, 53, 138, 189, 224, 216, 117,173, 10, 149, 53, 45, 73, 251, 237, 246, 15, 185, 186, 82, 177, 240, 148, 69, 241, 227, 167, 80, 141, 89, 240, 121, 121, 35, 172, 247, 68, 251, 226, 218, 48, 63, 176, 109, 168, 89, 238, 135, ]

If you already have a keypair you’d like to use, you can create a Keypair object from the secret key using the Keypair.fromSecretKey() function.

When it comes to the mainnet — you’ll be dealing with real money and real consequences. It’s worth spending the time and looking into the various methods of managing secrets. You might not want to inject the secret key using .env variables. Here’s a good read on this.

//private key as an array of bytes
const secret = JSON.parse(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY ?? "") as number[]
const secretKey = Uint8Array.from(secret)
const keypairFromSecretKey = Keypair.fromSecretKey(secretKey)

What we’re doing here is taking the private key in the bytes format and parsing it as an array of numbers, then casting that into a uint array. We use this uint array to create a keypair. You don’t need to know how this works.

ALRIGHTY. Now you know more about Solana keypairs than 98% of Solana devs

Going back to Transaction Town.

All modifications to data on the Solana network happen through transactions. All transactions interact with programs on the network — these can be system programs or user built programs. Transactions tell the program what they want to do with a bunch of instructions, and if they’re valid, the program does the things!

Wtf do these instructions look like? They contain:

  • an identifier of the program you intend to invoke
  • an array of accounts that will be read from and/or written to
  • data structured as a byte array that is specified to the program being invoked

If this feels like a lot, don’t worry, it’ll all click as we get things going!

Make & send a transaction

Let’s make a transaction. We’ll call the system program to transfer some SOL. Since we’re interacting with the system program, there’s helper functions in the web3.js library which make this super easy!

const transaction = new Transaction()
const sendSolInstruction = SystemProgram.transfer({
fromPubkey: sender,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL * amount

That’s all it takes to create a transfer transaction! You can add multiple instructions to one transaction and they’ll be carried out sequentially. We’ll try this later

The web3.js library also comes with functions to send transactions. Here’s how we’d send a transaction:

const signature = sendAndConfirmTransaction(

You know everything here — the connection is how we talk to the network via the JSON RPC. The transaction is the thing we just made with the transfer instruction. The last argument is an array of signers. These are keypairs that “sign” the transaction so the Solana runtime and the program you’re sending it to know who has authorized the transaction. Certain transactions require signatures from multiple parties so it’s not always one address here.

Signing is necessary so we can only make changes that we are authorized to. Since this transaction moves SOL from one account to another, we need to prove that we control the account we’re trying to send from.

Now you know all about transactions and what the “conditions” I mentioned are :)


We kinda took the easy route with our last transaction. When working with non-native programs or programs that aren’t built into the web3 library, we need to be very specific about the instructions we’re creating. Here’s the type that we need to pass into the constructor to create an instruction. Check it out -

export type TransactionInstructionCtorFields = {
keys: Array<AccountMeta>;
programId: PublicKey;
data?: Buffer;

In essence, an instruction contains:

  • An array of keys of type AccountMeta
  • The public key/address of the program you’re calling
  • Optionally — a Buffer containing data to pass to the program

Starting with keys — each object in this array represents an account that will be read from or written to during a transaction’s execution. This way the nodes know which accounts will be involved in the transaction, which speeds things up! This means you need to know the behavior of the program you are calling and ensure that you provide all of the necessary accounts in the array.

Each object in the keys array must include the following:

  • pubkey — the public key of the account
  • isSigner — a boolean representing whether or not the account is a signer on the transaction
  • isWritable — a boolean representing whether or not the account is written to during the transaction’s execution

The programId field is fairly self explanatory: it’s the public key associated with the program you want to interact with. Gotta know who you want to talk to!

We’ll be ignoring the data field for now and will revisit it in the future.

Here’s an example of what this would look like in action:

async function callProgram(
connection: web3.Connection,
payer: web3.Keypair,
programId: web3.PublicKey,
programDataAccount: web3.PublicKey
) {
const instruction = new web3.TransactionInstruction({
// We only have one key here
keys: [
pubkey: programDataAccount,
isSigner: false,
isWritable: true
// The program we're interacting with
// We don't have any data here!
const sig = await web3.sendAndConfirmTransaction(
new web3.Transaction().add(instruction),

Not all that hard! We got this :P

Transaction fees

The only thing we haven’t talked about: fees. Solana fees are so low that you might as well ignore them! Sadly as devs we have to pay attention to them lol. Fees on Solana behave similarly to EVM chains like Ethereum. Every time you submit a transaction, somebody on the network is providing space and processing power to make it happen. Fees incentivize people to provide that space and processing power.

The main thing to note is that the first signer included in the array of signers on a transaction is always the one responsible for paying the transaction fee. What happens if you don’t have enough SOL? The transaction is dropped!

When you’re on devnet or on localhost, you can use solana airdrop from the CLI to get devnet SOL. You can also use SPL token faucet to get SPL tokens

Accounts In Solana

Introduction to Accounts in Solana

In Solana, EVERYTHING is an Account, making it crucial to understand how accounts function before delving into the token system.

Analogy: Language Barrier

To better grasp the concept, let’s use an analogy. Imagine you speak English (like a traditional website), and the Solana blockchain speaks its own language (the Solana programming language). When you want to inquire about your coin balance, think of the Solana RPC (Remote Procedure Call) as a translator that bridges the language gap between you and the blockchain.

The process:

  • You ask your question: You click “check balance” on a website. The website sends your question in English to the translator (RPC).
  • Translation: The RPC changes your question into the Solana blockchain’s language.
  • Asking the blockchain: The RPC sends the translated question to the Solana blockchain.
  • Blockchain’s answer: The blockchain finds your balance and sends the answer back to the RPC.
  • Translating back: The RPC translates the answer back into English.
  • Website gets the info: The RPC sends the translated answer to the website.
  • You get your answer: The website shows you your balance in a way you understand!

Key point: The Solana RPC makes everything work smoothly, so you don’t have to worry about learning the complicated language of the blockchain.

Exploring Different Types of Accounts in Solana

Now, let’s dive into the different types of accounts in Solana, each playing a crucial role in the ecosystem.

Wallet Account

This is like your main wallet where you stash your SOL coins (Solana’s own money). It’s used to derive the accounts for your tokens.

Token Account

These accounts are associated with users or wallets and hold vital information about the tokens. They work in coherence with the wallet account and mint account, sharing similar data and intent for performing transactions.

Mint Account

The mint account stores data about the token itself, including properties such as mint authority, supply, decimals, and freeze authority. Think of these as the instruction manuals for each token. They tell you how many tokens are out there, who’s allowed to make more, that sort of thing.

  • Mint authority: The designation of your own or some other program using which the mint tokens can be signed.
  • Supply: Holds information on how many tokens have been issued overall.
  • Decimals: The limit until which the token can be broken down into.
  • Is Initialized: Flag to see if the account is ready to go (or not).
  • Freeze authority: The designation of your own or some other program using which the mint tokens can be frozen.

Metadata Account

These accounts hold metadata of mint accounts, storing information about the token, such as its name, symbol, description, and image. These are like fancy labels on your token boxes. They’ve got the token’s name, its ticker symbol (like RAD for RadCoin), maybe even a cool picture.

Example: Currency has a name (US Dollar), symbol ($ or USD), description, and image. Solana’s metadata holds another layer of metadata:

  • NAME

Deep Dive into Tokens

Creation and Functionality

Tokens in Solana are created using the Token Program, which acts as the Token Factory. This program allows users to mint, transfer, and burn tokens between accounts, functioning as a factory of accounts that enable token functionalities.

The Solana Token Machine

Solana has a special tool called the Token Program that handles all the token stuff. Think of it like a factory:

  • Minting: This is like printing brand-new tokens based on those instruction manuals (Mint Accounts).
  • Transferring: Like moving tokens from your RadCoin box to your friend’s.
  • Burning: Kind of like tossing tokens in the shredder — they’re gone forever!

Analogy: Token Factory

Just as a factory creates products, the Token Program creates accounts for tokens in Solana, providing a seamless mechanism for managing tokens within the ecosystem.

Solana Token Program

This Rust program demonstrates the functionality of a token program in the Solana blockchain.


The program allows minting, transferring, and burning of tokens based on provided instruction data. It interacts with Solana accounts using the Solana Program library.


The entrypoint for the program is process_instruction, which takes in the following parameters:

  • program_id: The public key of the program.
  • accounts: An array of account information required for the operation.
  • instruction_data: Instruction data provided to perform specific token operations.

Sample Usage

use solana_program::{
account_info::{next_account_info, AccountInfo},
// … other necessary imports …
fn process_instruction(
program_id: &Pubkey,
accounts: &[AccountInfo],
instruction_data: &[u8],
) -> ProgramResult {
// … logic to mint, transfer, or burn tokens based on provided instruction_data …

Now lets learn about rust

What Is Rust?

Introduction To Rust

Solana programs are written in Rust — a low level programming language like C that is FASTTTTTTT. Before we get to the traditional “Hello World” program, I wanna talk a bit about why Rust is considered so difficult.

In short: Rust feels hard because it has a lot of rules. Think of video games with steep learning curves — DOTA, League of Legends, Starcraft, (even Chess or CSGO lol). These games have hundreds of unique characters/items/abilities, each with their own rules and interactions. To be able to win at these games, you have to learn all the rules and be aware of how they interact with each other.

Rust is a lot like that. It’s a very opinionated language that forces you to think about your code in a different way. It’s not a language you can just pick up and start writing programs in — it’s a language that you have to learn and understand.

This isn’t meant to scare you — learning Rust isn’t as hard as learning DOTA . I just want to set the expectation and tell you that WE HAVE IT FIGURED OUT. Rust can be a lotta fun, it just takes a bit more effort than you’re used to :)

Just like with video games, we’ll focus on one thing at a time, starting with the easy stuff and battling our way through the hard stuff as we level up ⚔.

We’ll start with the bare minimum concepts we need to know to build our Hello World program -

  • The module system
  • The Solana Program Entry Point
  • Functions
  • Enums
  • References and borrowing (sorta)

The Solana Playground

We’re gonna start our program development journey on the Solana Playground. It’s a browser based IDE that will handle all setup requirements and let us focus on Rust.

Pop it open and create a new project with the Native framework — we’re keeping it vanilla . Anchor is a Rust framework for building on Solana, sorta like React is for the web. We’ll learn how to build with it later, stick with Native for now.

You should get a file with a sort of advanced Hello World program. Get rid of this — we’re gonna make a simpler one.

Last thing you wanna do here is set up a playground wallet. You’ll see a “Not Connected” button on the bottom left:

Click it and it’ll generate a Solana wallet for you and fund it with devnet SOL. You can save the keypair if you want, it helps when you’re testing programs deployed by a specific keypair. I’m only gonna be building the hello-world program so I don’t need it :P

Time to start writing some Rust!

Hello World

We’ll be making a simple Hello World program on the playground. All it will do is a log a message in the transaction logs lol

The Rust Module System

Just like with our clients, we’ll use a bunch of libraries so we don’t have to write tons of boilerplate. Rust organizes code using what is collectively referred to as the “module system”. This is a lot like modules in Node.js or a namespace in C++.

Here’s a handy visualisation:

Image Source: Reddit

The three parts of this system are:

  • Packages — A package contains a collection of crates as well as a manifest file for specifying metadata and dependencies between packages. Think of it like package.json in Node.js.
  • Crates — A crate is either a library or an executable program. The source code for a crate is usually subdivided into multiple modules. This is like a node module.
  • Modules — A module separates code into logical units to provide isolated namespaces for organization, scope, and privacy of paths. These are basically individual files and folders.

Paths and Scope

Just like how you can reuse components in React and modules in Node, Crate Modules can be reused within projects. The tricky thing with items within modules is that we need to know the paths leading to them for us to reference them.

Think of the crate structure as a tree where the crate is the base and modules are branches, each of which can have submodules or items that are additional branches.

One of the things we’ll need is the AccountInfo struct from the account_info submodule, here’s what it looks like:

A struct is a custom data type btw. Think of it like a custom primitive data type, just like string or integer. Instead of just storing a single value, a struct can contain multiple values.

In Rust :: is like . or /. So to reference the AccountInfo struct we would :: to it like so:

use solana_program::account_info::AccountInfo;

  • The base crate is solana_program
  • solana_program contains a module named account_info
  • account_info contains a struct named AccountInfo

It’s common to see a series of use commands at the top of a Rust file, just like import or require statements.

We also need a few other items. We can use curly brackets to bring in multiple items from a single module, a bit like destructuring in JS:

use solana_program::{

Pretty straightforward so far. The AccountInfo struct is a general purpose descriptor for Solana account data — it defines all the properties an account should have.

If you’ve never worked with a statically typed language like TypeScript or Java before, you might be wondering why we’re importing “data types” like PubKey or AccountInfo. The TL;DR is that in Rust we need to define the types of our variables when we declare them. This helps us catch errors before compiling or running the code. So instead of your program crashing when it’s on the blockchain executing a transaction, it crashes when you’re developing and can more quickly get working code ready :)

I’ll go over the rest of these items as we need them. Onwards for now!

The Solana Program Entry Point

Think back to our Typsecript client. We had a main function in index.ts that was the entry point for our script. The same thing works with Rust scripts! Except we’re not writing just any Rust script, we’re writing one that will be run on Solana.

That’s what our second use statement is for — it brings in the entrypoint! macro: a special kind of main function that Solana will use to run our instructions.

Macros are like code shortcuts — they’re a way to write code that writes code. entrypoint!(process_instruction); will expand to a bunch of boilerplate code at compile time, sort of like a template. You don’t need to know how macros work, but you can read more about them here.

Our entrypoint function will call process_instruction, so here’s what our file should look like so far:

use solana_program::{

Now for the process_instruction function.

Functions in Rust

Functions are pretty similar to Typescript — just need parameters, types and a return type. Add this under the entrypoint! macro:

pub fn process_instruction(
//Arguments and their types
program_id: &Pubkey,
accounts: &[AccountInfo],
instruction_data: &[u8]
// The return type (i.e. what data type the function returns)
) -> ProgramResult{
// Leave the body empty for now :)

Our process_instruction function requires the following arguments:

  • program_id: The public key of the program account. Required to verify that the program is being called by the correct account. Of type &Pubkey.
  • accounts: which accounts the instruction touches. Required to be type &[AccountInfo]
  • instruction_data: 8 bit instruction data from our transaction. Required to be type &[u8]

The [] mean that AccountInfo and u8 are “slice” types — they’re like arrays of unknown length. We don’t call them arrays because they’re lower level — a slice in Rust is a pointer to a block of memory 🤯

Deploy your first program

Our program is almost complete! The only thing missing is to actually say “Hello World”, which we can do with the msg! macro. We won’t do anything with the instruction data yet, so to avoid the “unused variable” warnings, just prefix the variable names with an underscore.

Here’s what the complete process_instruction function looks like:

pub fn process_instruction(
_program_id: &Pubkey,
_accounts: &[AccountInfo],
_instruction_data: &[u8]
) -> ProgramResult{
msg!("Hello World!");

If you hit build, you should see a green “Build successful” message in the console. Congrats! You’ve written your first Solana program 🎉

The playground makes it really easy to deploy this. Switch to the “Build and Deploy” tab on the top left below the “Explorer” icon and hit the “Deploy” button.

If these are very overwhelming for you let’s learn some basics!


The Rust language has a set of keywords that are reserved for use by the language only, much as in other languages.


The Rust language allows the programmers to leave comments wherever the programmers deem necessary. More explanation around a certain logic of the code can be added as a comment. A comment in Rust starts with ‘ // ’.
For example: // This is a comment.

Data Types

Every value in Rust is of a certain data type, which tells Rust what kind of data is being specified so it knows how to work with that data. We’ll look at two data type subsets:

  • Scalars (integers, floating-points, chars, booleans)
  • Compounds (tuples, arrays, strings, structs, enums, …)
  • Integer (usize): Any non-fractional, positive/negative number, zero can be an integer.
  • Floating (f32/f64): Any non-fractional/fractional, positive/negative number, zero can be an integer.
  • Character (char): Any alphabets.
  • Boolean (bool): True or false Boolean flag.
  • Numeric Operations (let): Basic mathematical operations.
  • Tuple (let): General way of grouping together several values with a variety of types into one compound type.
  • Array (let): General way of grouping together several values with a same type of data into one compound type.

Variables And Mutability

Variables are immutable by default. This is where the safety and easy concurrency that Rust offers comes from.
However, variables can still be made mutable. When a variable is immutable, once a value is bound to a name, you can’t change that value. But you can change the value when the variables are made immutable.

Control Flow

The ability to run some code depending on whether a condition is ’true’ and to run some code repeatedly while a condition is ’true’ are basic building blocks in most programming languages. The most common constructs that let you control the flow of execution of Rust code are if expressions and loops. These methodologies are called control flows.

If/ Else If




A function is simply a piece of code that programmers can use multiple times, rather than rewriting it multiple times. Functions enable programmers to break down a problem into smaller chunks, each of which performs a particular task. As a result, they cumulatively solve a bigger problem.

Hello Solana World- Solana Playground

Solana Playground

Solana Playground offers super-easy way for users to interact with the blockchain system by allowing them to fully customize Solana transactions according to their unique needs.

Simply put, it is a sandbox for Rust programming for Solana.

Rust Layer Cake

Traits: Add functionality to types. They are like qualities that types can have.

Implementation: They let you add methods to structs, making them a lot more like objects. It is like giving special abilities to structures.

Match: By using match statement on the instruction indicator, we can return the correct variant of the Enum. Think of this like creating a variable of the correct type using bits of data in the instruction.

Enums: Enums are like drop-down lists in code. They force you to choose from a list of several possible variants.

Structs: Structs are custom data structures that act as a way to group data together and keep it organized.

Mutability: All variables in Rust are immutable by default — you can’t change the value of a variable once it’s been declared.

Variable Declaration: Rust programs start with declarations of variables along with their data types.

Staking On Solana

Staking is the process by which a SOL token holder assigns some (or all) of their tokens to a particular validator (or different validators), which helps increase those validators’ voting weight.

Delegating stake is a shared-risk shared-reward financial model that may provide returns to holders of tokens delegated for a long period.

This is achieved by aligning the financial incentives of the token-holders (delegators) and the validators to whom they delegate.

Staking On Solana- Architecture/Program Level

On program level, there should be 4 instructions:

  1. Initialize Stake Account: Creates a new account where we’re going to store state information about the staking process for each user/NFT combination. The seeds for this PDA should be the user’s public key and the NFT’s token account.
  2. Stake: this instruction typically is where the actual staking occurs.
  3. Redeem: this is where you would send user’s their reward tokens based on how long they’ve been staking.
  4. Unstake: this is where you redeem any additional tokens and then unstake the NFT. It simply means updating state to reflect that the NFT isn’t staked and logging how many reward tokens they should get.

Program Derived Addresses (PDAs)

PDAs In Solana

Using a program derived address:

  • You can give a program the authority over an account.
  • Later transfer that authority to another.
    This is possible because the program can act as the signer in the transaction that gives it the authority.

Cross Program Invocations (CPIs)

Why do we need CPIs?

CPIs In Solana

The Solana runtime allows programs to call each other via a mechanism called cross-program invocation. a program on Solana can call another program and pass data to it, allowing for the creation of complex and modular smart contract systems. Calling between programs is achieved by one program invoking an instruction of the other. The invoking program is halted until the invoked program finishes processing the instruction.

Why Do We Need CPIs?

  1. Composability: Callings programs developed by other developers is possible hence improving composability.
  2. Memory Optimization: Programs have limited size hence making their organized expansion necessary for memory optimization. CPIs enable to reuse program memories of other programs.
  3. Autonomy: Program ownership is not mandatory. Hence, the programs created can be shared in form of massive global program libraries.
  4. Reusability: Not having to re-invent the progs as reusability of the programs developed by the other developers is possible.

Testing In Solana

Unit Tests

The purpose of unit tests is to test each unit of code in isolation from the rest of the code to quickly pinpoint where code is and isn’t working as expected. Unit tests in Rust generally reside in the file with the code they are testing.

Integration Tests

Integration tests are tests that are expected to see how your program functions as an entire cluster of units. This test program is supposed to interact externally with your code via its public interface in the manner that it’s intended to be used by the end users.

Purpose: To test whether many parts of your library work together correctly.

Error Codes

In computer programming, an error code is a purely numeric (or alphanumeric) string called Enums that is used to represent an error and why it occurred. Ever seen this?

That right there is an error ‘404’ which provides us with reason ‘Not Found’.

In Solana, program errors are often displayed in a hexadecimal representation of the error’s

decimal index inside the error Enum of the program that returned it.

Program Logs

In computer programming, program logs are a piece of information, usually in form of a file that contains information about events that have occurred within a software application.

As you can see in the above example, the logs give you the information about the events that

occurred while running a Solana program.

Compute Budgets

In blockchain programming, program execution requires fees. There are many instances where the programs might go in an infinite loop and spend everything you have. You don’t want that right?

Stack Overflow

All values in Rust are allocated with a stack by default. Every program has access to 4KB of stack frame size when executing. You’ll face problem when you use up all of the 4KB of memory when working with larger, more complex programs. This is called

Blowing The Stack or Stack Overflow

You don’t want that either right? The solution is quite straightforward. BUILD MEMORY OPTIMIZED PROGRAMS.

Introduction To Anchor

What Is Anchor?

Anchor is simply a framework for quickly building secure Solana programs. With Anchor you can build programs:

  • Quickly: because it writes various boilerplate for you such as (de)serialization of accounts and instruction data.
  • Securely: because Anchor handles certain security checks for you. On top of that, it allows you to succinctly define additional checks and keep them separate from your business logic.
    Both of these aspects mean that instead of working on the tedious parts of raw Solana programs, you can spend more time working on what matters most, YOUR PRODUCT!

Anchor- General Landscape

Think of all the stuff React takes care of when doing front-end development — you can do a lot more with just a little bit of code. Anchor is similar — it organizes a program in distinct sections that separates the instruction logic from account validation and security check. Just like how React handles state updates, Anchor handles a lot of basic stuff like account parsing and validation, serialization/deserialization, letting you build quicker!

AIt does this by bundling various boilerplate code into macros, allowing you to focus on the business logic of your program. Additionally, Anchor is designed to handling many common security checks while allowing you to easily define additional checks to help you build more secure programs.

TL;DR — Anchor makes you go fast by having to press fewer buttons!

Anchor app structure

We could use Solpg but the latest version of Anchor has stuff extra spicy stuff so we’ll set it up locally. Here’s how.

I’m expecting that you already have Rust and the Solana CLI installed (unless you skipped sections lol). You’ll also need to install Yarn.

Once you’re done, just head over to the official Anchor docs and set it up. If everything went right, you should see a version printed out when you run anchor — version.

Alrighty! Let’s set up a blank Solana program with Anchor:

anchor init <new-workspace-name>

This will set up the following structure:

  • Anchor.toml: Anchor configuration file.
  • Cargo.toml: Rust workspace configuration file.
  • package.json: JavaScript dependencies file.
  • programs/: Directory for Solana program crates.
  • app/: You app frontend goes here.
  • tests/: Your TypeScript integration tests live here.
  • migrations/deploy.js: Deploy script to migrate to different versions of the program.
  • The .anchor folder: It includes the most recent program logs and a local ledger that is used for testing

You can ignore pretty much all of these for now. Pop open programs/workspace-name/src/ This looks slightly different than our native program. Anchor will define the entrypoint for us, and we’ll use Rust attributes to tell Anchor what all of our stuff is so it can automate a bunch of work for us.

When we use #[program], we’re actually declaring a Rust macro that Anchor will use to generate all the necessary native Solana boilerplate for us.

The beauty of the Anchor CLI is that it integrates TypeScript tests too. Just gotta write them and use Anchor commands!

The build/deploy setup is the same as native programs, you just gotta use different commands. Here’s how we build:

anchor build

This will take a few seconds and build the program in the workspace targeting Solana’s BPF runtime and emits “IDLs” in the target/idl directory. You should also a similar output as when running cargo-build-sbf, with a deploy command in the terminal.

Btw here’s what you need to know about the target folder -

  • target/deploy: generated keypair used to deploy program
  • target/idl: .json IDL for the program
  • target/types: Typescript IDL — all the types we need

Wtf is an IDL? An Interface Description Language file is a JSON file that describes the interface of a program — it tells you what functions are available and what arguments they take. Think of it like an API documentation for your program.

We use the program IDL to figure out how to talk to it using clients (what functions are available, what args do they take, etc) and the Typescript IDL for the types. These are important because to make your program open-source, you need to publish a verified build and the IDL to the Anchor Programs Registry.

Now we wanna deploy. But we can’t just yet! We need to do two more things — get the program address and set the network.

Placeholder ID

First, in the file from before, there’s a declare_id! macro, which has a default value in it, you’ll notice it’s the same value every time you start a new anchor program. So get your actual program’s ID by running anchor keys list, then paste that value in — this program ID was generated after running the build command. It also needs to be pasted into the Anchor.toml file.

The flow here is a bit weird — you write a program, build it with anchor build, get the address with anchor keys list, replace it in the declare macro at the top of the program and Anchor.toml, then deploy.

Run this to get the actual address of the program:

anchor keys list


The second problem we need to address: the default network for the program to deploy is localhost. We can either spin up a local validator, or hop into Anchor.toml and change the cluster to devnet.

I’m a pro that’s gonna push straight to devnet, so I’m gonna open up Anchor.toml and change cluster to devnet, and if I have enough devnet SOL, I can just deploy with:

anchor deploy

We’re done! You should hopefully have a “Deploy success” message with a program ID in the terminal.

Change your cluster to the localnet now so we can run a test. Anchor will automatically set up a local validator for the duration of the test! I love robots 🤖

Testing is easy:

anchor test

This will run an integration test suit against the configured cluster, deploying new versions of all workspace programs before running them.

That’s it! You’ve just built, deployed, and tested your first Anchor program :D

The Anchor framework

When building natively, we organized our program into multiple files, one for each concern. Since Anchor cuts down so much code, we’ll now learn how it organizes the program into distinct sections in a single file

We can combine everything into one file because Anchor abstracts away various repetitive tasks using macros. Instead of writing tons of code, we just put a macro in there and let Anchor do it for us. This also means we can separate the instruction logic from account validation and security checks.

Before we move on, a quick reminder of some of the boring stuff we had to write a lot of boilerplate for:

  • Account validation
  • Security checks
  • Serialization/deserialization

Anchor handles all of these for us using some Rust magic and it’s designed to handle many common security concerns so you can build more secure programs!

Anchor program structure

Let’s take a look at the structure of an Anchor progam

This is a pretty simple program — it initializes a new account and updates the data field on the account with the data passed in from the instruction.

You’ll notice each section starts with a macro or attribute, they all help expand the code you’re writing.

We’ve got four sections:

  • declare_id! — the program’s on-chain address (this replaces our entrypoint)
  • #[program] — the program’s instruction logic
  • #[derive(Accounts)] — list, validate, and deserialize accounts passed into an instruction
  • #[account] — define custom account types for the program


Let’s get the declare_id! macro outta the way cuz it’s pretty simple:

This is used to specify the on-chain address of the program (i.e. the programId). A new keypair is generated when an Anchor program is built for the first time (which you can get with anchor keys list). This keypair will be the default keypair used to deploy the program (unless otherise specified). The pubkey for this keypair is used as the the programId and specified in the declare_id! macro.


The program attribute defines the module (hence the mod) that contains all the program instructions. This is where you implement the logic for each instruction in your program. You’ll create a public function for every instruction that your program supports. The account validation and security checks are separate from your program logic, so they’re not here!

Every instruction will take two arguments, a “context” and instruction data. Anchor will automatically deserialize the instruction data, so we don’t have to worry about that!

Before we can continue diving into the rest of these macros in more detail, we need to look at what this new Context thing inside the instruction logic is. We’ll be going about three layers deep — native, Rust, Anchor, so stick with me here!


Think back to what we needed to do when handling an instruction natively. In our process_instruction functions, we passed in program_id, accounts, and instruction_data. You can group together everything other than the instruction data into instruction “context”. Since our programs are stateless, they need to know the context of the instruction. This means with Anchor we only need two things for instructions — context, and the data.

Context is a struct that contains all the information about the current transaction. It’s passed into every instruction handler and contains the following fields:

pub struct Context<’a, ‘b, ‘c, ‘info, T> {
/// Currently executing program ID
pub program_id: &'a Pubkey,
/// Deserialized accounts
pub accounts: &'b mut T,
/// Remaining accounts given, but not deserialized or validated
/// Be very careful when using this directly.
pub remaining_accounts: &'c [AccountInfo<'info>],
/// Bumps seeds found during constraint validation.
/// This is provided as a convenience so that handlers
/// don't have to recalculate bump seeds or
/// pass them in as arguments.
pub bumps: BTreeMap<String, u8>

Second layer — Rust.

We haven’t talked much about “lifetimes” in Rust, which is the ‘ in our arguments ‘a, ‘b, ‘c, ‘info. Lifetimes are what the Rust compiler uses to keep track of how long references are valid for. The lifetime of Context is tied to every one of its properties that is denoted with a lifetime. It’s basically saying, do not deallocate or dereference Context before all the other properties go away, so there are no dangling references. We don’t need to worry about understanding these right now, it really won’t impact much of what we’ll be doing.

pub accounts: &’b mut T,

The thing that matters is the T, it’s a generic: a placeholder for a type. It indicates that Context will have a type inside of it, and that type can be one of many things, which will be decided at runtime.

In this instance, it’s a generic for the type of accounts. We will later define an accounts struct, that defines what are the accounts that come into this instruction, so that at the beginning of the instruction logic, we don’t have to iterate over all of the accounts. It is another great abstraction of Anchor.

In simple words, we’re telling Rust “Hey I don’t know what the type of accounts will be, I’ll tell you later when I actually want to use it”.

Third layer — Anchor.

At runtime, the accounts type changes from T to whatever we define in InstructionAccounts. Meaning our instruction_one function now has access to the accounts declared inside InstructionAccounts:

  • The program id (ctx.program_id) of the executing program
  • The accounts passed into the instruction (ctx.accounts)
  • The remaining accounts (ctx.remaining_accounts). The remaining_accounts is a vector that contains all accounts that were passed into the instruction but are not declared in the Accounts struct. You’ll almost never have to use this.
  • The bumps for any PDAs accounts (ctx.bumps). By putting them here we don’t have to recalculate them inside the instruction handlers.


Phew. Back to our regularly scheduled Anchor breakdown, let’s have a look at the #[derive(Accounts)] section, which is related to the Context type.

This is where we define the accounts that are passed into the instruction. The #[derive(Accounts)] macro tells Anchor to create the implementations necessary to parse these accounts do the account validation.

For example, instruction_one requires a Context argument of type InstructionAccounts.

The #[derive(Accounts)] macro is used to implement the InstructionAccounts struct which includes three accounts:

  • account_name
  • user
  • system_program

When instruction_one is invoked, the program:

  • Checks that the accounts passed into the instruction match the account types specified in the InstructionAccounts struct
  • Checks the accounts against any additional constraints specified (that’s what the #[account] lines are)

If any accounts passed into instruction_one fails the account validation or security checks specified in the InstructionAccounts struct, then the instruction fails before ever running the instruction logic.

This saves us a lot of boilerplate — we don’t have to specify addresses and checks for each account!

Account type in Anchor

You probably remember the AccountInfo type from last week when we wrote a native program. We used this type every time we needed to deal with accounts — processing instructions, creating transactions, making CPIs. This type represented all the various accounts we could have — a PDA, a user account and even a system program. Thinking back, it’s a bit weird that we used the same type to represent such varied arguments.

Anchor wraps the native type to give us a list new types that have differet types of validation built in — we’ll never need to check if we own an account inside our instruction because we can declare it a certain type and that will do the validation for us!

Let’s take a look at the common types, starting with Account:

You’ll notice that account_name is of type Account, which is basically a wrapper around AccountInfo, which we have used before with native development. What does it do here?

For the account_name account, the Account wrapper:

  • deserializes the data in the format of type AccountStruct
  • checks the program owner of the account also matches the specified account type.
  • When the account type specified in the Accounts wrapper is defined within the same crate using the #[account] macro, the program ownership check is against the programId defined in the declare_id! macro. (the executing program)


Signer type

Next up, we’ve got the Signer type.

This is used to validate that an account has signed the transaction.

In this instance, we’re specifying that the user account must be a signer of the instruction. We don’t check for anything else — we don’t care what the account type is or if the signer owns the account.

If they haven’t signed the transaction, the instruction fails!

Program type

Finally, the Program type checks that the account passed in is the one we expect and that it’s actually a program (executable).

I hope you’re starting to see how Anchor makes things easy. Not only is this code a lot more compact, it’s also easier to understand! You’ll be able to understand what a program does much faster because everything has it’s own type. Just gotta learn a few more “rules” in this layer :)

Additional constraints

The only thing we haven’t covered so far is the #[account] bits — both inside the InstructionAccounts struct and outside.

Let’s take a look at the #[account] inside the InstructionAccounts struct first:

This is where we specify additional constraints for the accounts. Anchor does a great job of basic validation, but it can also help us check a bunch of other stuff that we specify!

For account_namethe #[account(..)] attribute specifies:

  • init — creates the account via a CPI to the system program and initializes it (sets its account discriminator)
  • payer — specifies payer for the initialization as the user account defined in the struct
  • space- specifies the space that allocated for the account is 8 + 8 bytes.
  • The first 8 bytes is a discriminator that Anchor automatically adds to identify the account type.
  • The next 8 bytes allocates space for the data stored on the account as defined in the AccountStruct type.
  • The detail is here: Space Reference.

I wanna go over that again. In one single line, we execute a CPI to the system program to create an account!!!!!!!!!!!!! How insane is that? We don’t have to write any code to create an account, we just specify that we want it to be created and Anchor does the rest!

Finally, for the user account, there’s a ‘mut’ attribute, it designates the account as mutable. Since the user will be paying for this, since it’s balance will change, it needs to be mutable.


Stay with me just a bit longer, we’re at the final strech!

The #[account] attribute is used to represent the data structure of a Solana account and implements the following traits:

  • AccountSerialize
  • AccountDeserialize
  • AnchorSerialize
  • AnchorDeserialize
  • Clone
  • Discriminator
  • Owner

Long story short, the #[account] attribute enables serialization and deserialization, and implements the discriminator and owner traits for an account.

  • The discriminator is an 8 byte unique identifier for an account type and derived from first 8 bytes of the SHA256 of the account’s struct name.
  • Any calls to AccountDeserialize’s try_deserialize will check this discriminator.
  • If it doesn’t match, an invalid account was given, and the account deserialization will exit with an error.

The #[account] attribute also implements the Owner trait:

  • Using the programId declared by declareId of the crate #[account] is used in.
  • Accounts initialized using an account type defined using the #[account] attribute within the program are owned by the program.

That’s about it, that’s the structure of how Anchor programs are built. That was a bit dense, but it was necessary to set us up as we move forward and use Anchor. Take a break and come back soon, it’s time to build!

Now let’s discuss about some Cool stuffs in the ecosystem

Developer Communities and Growth

The Solana developer community is vibrant and rapidly growing. The platform’s technical advantages, supportive resources, and innovative tools have attracted developers from various backgrounds. Solana’s ecosystem offers a collaborative environment where developers can learn, share ideas, and contribute to the growth of the platform. Let’s explore the factors contributing to the growth of Solana’s developer community:

Supportive Developer Community

The Solana developer community is known for its inclusivity and willingness to support newcomers. Forums and social platforms provide spaces for developers to exchange ideas, solve challenges, and share successes. These platforms foster a collaborative environment that accelerates learning and project development. The Solana community is known for its helpfulness and willingness to assist developers at all levels of expertise.

Hackathons and Educational Programs

Solana sponsors hackathons and educational initiatives regularly, providing developers with opportunities to showcase their skills, experiment with new ideas, and receive feedback from peers and industry leaders. These events serve as catalysts for innovation and offer a platform for developers to gain recognition and funding for their projects.

Partnerships with Educational Institutions

Solana has formed partnerships with educational institutions to create structured learning paths and resources for developers. These collaborations make blockchain development more accessible to a broader audience by providing comprehensive educational materials and support.

Growing Number of Developers

The Solana ecosystem has witnessed a significant increase in the number of developers joining the community. The platform’s technical advantages, scalability, and low transaction costs have attracted developers looking to build high-throughput applications. The growing developer base reflects the popularity and potential of Solana as a blockchain platform.

Relevant Docs and Resources

Solana provides a wealth of documentation and resources to support developers in their journey. These materials offer comprehensive guides, tutorials, and reference materials to help developers navigate the Solana ecosystem. Here are some essential Solana documentation and resources:

Solana Docs

The Solana Docs provide a comprehensive overview of how Solana works and a high-level understanding of its architecture. It covers topics such as transaction processing, consensus mechanisms, program deployment, and more. The Solana Docs serve as a valuable resource for developers looking to understand the intricacies of the Solana blockchain.

Solana Stack Exchange

Solana Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Solana software users and developers. It provides a platform for developers to ask questions, seek assistance, and share knowledge. The Solana Stack Exchange community is known for its active participation and prompt responses, making it a go-to resource for developers seeking help.

Anchor Framework Documentation

The Anchor documentation provides detailed information on how to use the Anchor framework for Solana development. It covers topics such as project setup, program architecture, testing, and deployment. The Anchor documentation offers step-by-step guidance for developers looking to leverage the framework’s capabilities.

Solana Playground

Solana Playground[] is an online development environment that allows developers to build, deploy, and test Solana programs directly in their browsers. It provides a user-friendly interface for experimenting with Solana’s features and functionalities. Solana Playground is an excellent resource for developers to quickly prototype and test their ideas.

Courses and Cohort-Based Classes

Solana offers a range of courses and cohort-based classes for developers at various skill levels. These educational programs provide structured learning paths, hands-on exercises, and mentorship opportunities. Here are some notable Solana courses and educational resources:

Solana Development Course by Solana Foundation

Solana Development course by Buildspcae

Other Support Systems for Developers

Solana provides additional support systems to help developers succeed in the ecosystem. These support systems include grant programs, venture capital funding, and partnerships with incubators and accelerators. Here are some notable support systems for Solana developers:

Superteam: The Solana Talent Hub

Superteam is a multifaceted initiative designed to fuel growth and innovation within the Solana ecosystem. It focuses on three key areas:

  1. Superteam Earn: Matching Talent with Opportunities
  • Bounties and Projects: Think of it like a specialized marketplace for Solana development work. Builders of all skill levels can find paid projects, from smaller tasks to large-scale collaborations.
  • Grants: Superteam facilitates connections between promising Solana projects and equity-free grants to kickstart development.

2. Superteam Build: Community-Driven Learning

  • Project Ideas: Struggling to come up with your next Solana project? Superteam provides inspiration with a curated list of ideas perfect for skill-building or hackathons.
  • Hackathon Support: Resources, workshops, and even product reviews to help you ace Solana hackathon challenges.
  • Regional Communities: Superteam branches out with localized communities (e.g., Superteam Germany, India), providing tailored support and fostering collaboration within specific regions.
  • Solana Scribes: Rewarding Content Creation

Knowledge is Power: Superteam recognizes the importance of accessible information for growth. Their “Scribes” program offers bounties for creating quality content like articles, tutorials, and videos explaining Solana concepts and projects.

Where to Find Superteam

Solana Grant Programs

Solana offers grant programs to support developers at various stages of their projects. These grants provide financial support, mentorship, and resources to help developers bring their ideas to life. Solana’s grant programs aim to foster innovation and provide developers with the necessary support to build and scale their projects.

Venture Capital Funding

Solana has attracted significant investments from venture capital firms, providing developers with access to funding and resources. Venture capital firms recognize the potential of Solana and actively invest in projects within the ecosystem. This funding not only supports the growth of individual projects but also contributes to the overall development of the Solana ecosystem.

Partnerships with Incubators and Accelerators

Solana has formed partnerships with incubators and accelerators to provide additional support to developers. These partnerships offer access to mentorship, resources, and networking opportunities, enabling developers to accelerate their projects and leverage the expertise of seasoned professionals in the industry.


Solana’s rise in the blockchain world is driven by its technical advantages, supportive developer community, and innovative tools and resources. The platform’s high throughput, low transaction costs, and scalability make it an ideal choice for developers looking to build efficient and scalable decentralized applications. The growing Solana developer community, coupled with the availability of educational resources and support systems, ensures a fertile ground for innovation and growth. With its extensive set of tools, frameworks, and programming languages, Solana offers developers a wide range of options to bring their ideas to life. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your journey, Solana provides the necessary tools and resources to thrive in the world of blockchain development. So, dive into the Solana ecosystem and unleash your potential in the decentralized world.


Buildspace Solana build: []

