Week 07: GSoC`23 with OpenMRS

2 min readJul 19, 2023


Hello Everyone welcome back to my weekly blog where I share my progress on the GSoC project. This week we had the mid-term evaluation and we had to submit a video for the evaluation. Here is the video which I submitted.

This video explains the project and progress made during this time. After few days of the submission of the video result got announced and I happy to share that I passed the mid term evaluation.

Updates for the Week:

This week I worked on writing tests for multiple components of the patient-registration-app but not able to complete any of them due blockers. I worked on the person-attribute-field.component.tsx , text-person-attribute-field.component.tsx, coded-person-attribute-field.component.tsx and relationships-section.component.tsx. The issue that I am getting was the same i.e. unable to determine the mock data. Apart from this issue I also made a mistake in understanding the flow of the code and got confused. I thought like the field component is responsible for the patient-registration form but actually it was the section component and field component is the children of the section component. This one thing caused so much confusion and got me busy on the same file. But now i got it and completed the tests for the components and will create the PR soon.

Goals for the Week:

This weeks goal will be to complete the tests for patient-registration-app and move to the next frontend module.

So this was all for the 6th week from my side. Thank you all for your support and feedback thus far. Your encouragement keeps me motivated as I embark on this exciting journey. Stay tuned for more updates on my progress, challenges, and lessons learned!

Happy Coding!!

