Week 11: GSoC`23 with OpenMRS

2 min readAug 18, 2023


“Hello Everyone! Welcome back to the exciting blogging series where I share my incredible journey of the GSoC project. I genuinely hope all of you are doing fantastic and are as thrilled about my progress as I am!

Before wasting much time let’s get to the updates for this week

Updates for the week:

As you all know I was working on the esm-patient-search-app in the last week. I continued working on the same and completed all the tests. I created multiple PRs each having test for each component of the frontend module. All the PRs are currently in review and will be merged after the approval from the mentors.
This week I also worked on another frontend module i.e. esm-patient-list-app. All the tests for this frontend-module is also completed and I have created PR for them. In this week I have created lots of PRs. Adding all of them will make them lengthy you can check all the PRs that I created from here.

Goals for the Week:

In the last week of the GSoC my goal is to work on remaining two frontend module of the patient-management repo i.e. esm-appointments-app and esm-outpatient-app. I will try to complete both of them in this week.

So this was all for the 11th week from my side. Thank you all for your support and feedback thus far. Your encouragement keeps me motivated as I embark on this exciting journey. Stay tuned for more updates on my progress, challenges, and lessons learned!

Happy Coding!!

