Understanding the bhava —part II

Ayush Pandey
5 min readAug 14, 2019


In the previous discussion you read about the karaka, the dasha and the purushartha. You’ll find the relevance now. The 12 bhavas all define different components of life.

The bhavas according to the purushartha are:

  • Dharma — 1st, 5th and 9th
  • Artha — 2nd, 6th and 10th
  • Kama — 3rd, 7th and 11th
  • Moksha — 4th, 8th and 12th

Now you know how to think when looking at these bhavas. These 4 purusharthas occur in full cycle in the three sets:

  • 1st,2nd,3rd,4th (dharma, artha, kaam, moksha respectively)
  • 5th,6th,7th,8th (dharma, artha, kaam, moksha respectively)
  • 9th,10th,11th,12th (dharma, artha, kaam, moksha respectively)

The first set shows the process within the Individual (childhood has a very strong impact on this). The second set shows the alchemy between relating to other people and the outside world (as understandings become clearer during adulthood). The third set shows the universalization of the self, connected to the wholesome purpose of the life.

When someone asks you how much money he/she will have, then which set should you check? The second set since wealth is a tool of interacting with the society. Also, you’ll need to see the planets occupying (or aspecting) the artha bhavas (2nd, 6th and 10th).

Other categorization you must know is given below.

Kendra: The perfect East, West, North and South directions are considered very special and divine. Hence, the bhavas there- 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th are the kendra bhavas. They have a very strong control on the flow of an individual’s life. Planets sitting there are very strong in position.

Trikona: Divide a circle (360 degree) into three parts and you’ll get points at 0 degree, 120 degree and 240 degree. Bhavas at these angles are 1st, 5th and 9th. They are called trikona bhavas and are special. They are very auspicious bhavas. If good planets are in strong position there, there will be good results for the native. The good luck of meeting a spiritually qualified being and getting blessed, or getting blessed with good children who’ll extend the lineage, the positive and hopeful part of consciousness are some examples.

Dusthāna: 6th, 8th and 12th houses are geometrically very disconnected from the 1st house (the lagna). These houses govern the unseen, hidden, after-life stuffs (generally regarded as unpleasant) that are not in direct vision of logic. The diseases or new enemies yet to come, the event of accident, etc are the unseen events that a person generally does not think of before they occur.

Upachaya: 3rd,6th,11th,10th are the upachaya bhavas, meaning “houses of growth”. Once you have handful of professional networks and are willing to connect more, your existing connections themselves will help in growing the network. A dangerous disease like cancer grows. The right investment helps in growth of wealth. These are some examples of growth and these are the growth houses.

And finally, lets see that individually what each bhava says. This is the most exciting part. The bhavas are given in sequence along with the vedic names.

  1. Lagna — The characteristics that make you unique. This bhava contains your individuality. Your inner nature, likes-dislike, thoughts, overall health (physical, mental and social), appearance, your overall character, “your” purpose of life, your behavior.
  2. Dhana — The second house tells about your early childhood education. That means all things you learnt from your mom, dad, neighbors etc from observations. The ability to use speech in transforming the thoughts is also seen here. Using speech for influence. Stable wealth, family, domestic comforts, inheritance, movable assets.
  3. Parakrama — Younger Brothers and Sisters, Communication (Talking, Writing, Business Documents), life skills, smartness, general intelligence, fine arts, short journeys, “great prowess (physical and mental),” . The courage to transform new thoughts to actions (adventure, innovation) is seen here.
  4. Suhṛda — Mother, Emotions, Education, Home, Property and Land, Surrounding in Old Age, vehicles. The home and the family that a grown up has, the home and family for which the native toils hard is seen here.
  5. Suta — Children, Lovers, Recreation, Devotion, Speculation and Gambling, accumulated karma. Romance (soft romance not sexual activity), the happy moments one spends with his/her children, the joy of playing sports or gambling games, passion and joy for doing literary or artistic works, the bliss one gets when praying to God, all is seen here.
  6. Ripu/Roga — Diseases, Litigation, lawsuits, Servants, Mental Worries, Enemies, Foreigners, are seen here. All the obstacles that come in way of success of a task in different forms like enemies, diseases, worries, bad servants or co-workers, etc are all explored here.
  7. Kāma — Spouse, Business Partner, Death, Respect, passion. All kinds of long-term partnerships whether in business or in love are seen here. The sexual activities and the the interactions with the senses for pleasure seeking is seen here. Luxury is explored here.
  8. Mṛtyu — Death & Longevity, Obstacles, Suffering, Occult, Dowry, Inheritance, Imprisonment, accidents. Things that are hidden are seen here. For example, the cause of death, accidents that occur without telling, hidden treasure are seen here. For researchers, investigators, spies, this is an important house to consider.
  9. Bhāgya — Father, Luck, Higher learning, Philosophy & Religion, Mentor or Guru, Prosperity, Travel, “deeds of virtue”. Knowledge gives a wider understanding of the world and improves the life. This knowledge is mainly of the spiritual domain. The protection from evils provided by the God and smooth, happy, fortunate going of daily life full of positive vibes and energy is seen here.
  10. Karma — Profession, Status & fame, Power, Father, Mother-in-law, Government, Clothes, Commerce. The main profession of a person by which he/she identifies himself/herself is seen here. The social status, the rank of a person and his/her interactions with the government bodies is explored here.
  11. Āya — Friends, Hopes, Earnings, Club or Social Activities. This is an upchaya house where structures like the social circle, the profits from investments, happiness with (healthy) children’s growth etc that increase in nature are seen.
  12. Vyaya — Expenses, Sleep (and convalescence), Sexual pleasures, Spirituality, Travel & Pilgrimage, Secret Enemies, Imprisonment, Hospitals, Asylums, Liberation, loss foreign residency. The life after death, the funeral ceremony, losses and expenses on luxury (that otherwise could be saved), unavoidable and unwanted expenses and the states when a person is not awake (sleeping, for example) is all explored here.

And there you go. Refer to all past discussions and get a feeling when looking at these bhavas. Lets suppose that Jupiter is a lucky planet for you and is inside the tenth house. You may say that you’ll have a great career ahead (in reality there is a lot more analysis needed). You are now buckled up towards making your first legitimate prediction using the ancient art called jyotishi. Are you up for it? See you in the next discussion…


