Snow White with the Red Hair is an anime series developed by Warner Bros., Hakusensha, Showgate, The Klockworx Co. Ltd., Hakuhodo DY Media Partners, Docomo Anime Store, BS Fuji and Bones as it says in Wikipedia. I really can’t believe that so many studios worked together to make the anime adaptation. I mean, it just looks like any other contemporary anime. It has great animation but nothing a single anime studio couldn’t have handled. The manga is written by Sorata Akizuki which is the original source of the series.
So, I am going to tell you about the first part of the anime. I watched it out of curiosity because the poster looked like it was story rich and had great animation. Which it did.
If you want to enjoy a nice and relaxing story on a lazy holiday morning then go for it!! It is absolutely meant for this purpose and is a really relaxing experience. Although there are points of conflict and danger in the story but hey, a good story always has points of conflict and danger, doesn’t it? It is more oriented towards the relationship of the female protagonist with the male lead. I am not going to spoil what kind of lead he is so just find it out if and when you watch the anime. In conclusion, this anime is worth your time. You will not regret watching it.
Oh yes, a word of warning though. If you are single as f*ck and have never had a romantic relationship then this anime is going to sting you very hard. If you want to avoid such feelings then I suggest that you avoid watching it. See, it revolves around the romantic relationship between both the protagonists. That is the main focus of the anime. And, if you have never experienced that then this anime will either give you false expectations or just push you down the depression spiral. So, avoid it if you don’t want that to happen. And I mean seriously. It has that potential because that’s the main focus of the anime; being in a fantastic and romantic relationship. To be honest, I should have avoided it too, but here I am. Reviewing it. 😀
Thank you for reading. I hope this review will help you in deciding if you want to watch this anime or not. 🙂
Note: Oh and by the way, if you just read the sentences in bold then you will get the overview of the article and save time. This is true for all my articles. 🙂