Forum IAS — Top ten qualities that every IAS applicant should possess

5 min readDec 31, 2021


Whether or not you are studying for the IAS examination, there are some character attributes that you should replicate in your daily life. You should make an effort not to allow your flaws to impact your job or others around you. It’s really challenging, but not impossible.

As you begin your UPSC preparation journey, you will notice several changes in your personality as time passes. The test is frequently a route of self-discovery, not only about being highly competitive, reading, and studying.

Forum IAS has compiled a list of attributes that I believe are critical to developing as an IAS candidate. However, it is a highly subjective affair.

1. Physical Fitness

Your health is your most valuable asset while you prepare for the IAS test. As a result, make an effort to develop healthy behaviors. The two most crucial factors that will keep you healthy and give you the stamina to work regularly toward your goal are good eating and enough exercise.

2. Honesty

Be truthful to yourself.

You’re studying for the UPSC Civil Services Exam, and you’re well aware that the road ahead is long and winding. It won’t help you if you aren’t at ease or aren’t prepared out of your own volition and interest. As a result, strive to be truthful to yourself. In reality, if you aren’t honest with yourself, you won’t be able to pass this exam, since every test will reveal your weaknesses, and if you aren’t honest with yourself, you will disregard this warning sign, and it will finally catch up with you.

Again, if you want to help the people and address their issues as an IAS officer, this is a skill that you cannot overlook.

3. The ability to write

The Mains test, as you are aware, is the ultimate obstacle, and it is a subjective exam. You must write your response to show that you understand the questions. As a result, improving your writing skills is critical to your IAS success. And writing ability is not something that is inherited. Daily practice will help you perfect the skill. Forum IAS pays attention to it.

4. Inquisitiveness is a quality that many people possess.

You must be curious about the present trend of analytical questions in UPSC exams. By curious, I mean that you must be willing to learn more about any issue that comes up throughout your preparation. For example, if you read about the South China dispute in the media, you should look it up on the internet to learn more about the history of the conflict, its geopolitical implications, and so on. In the present climate, simply reading the newspaper will not be enough.

5. Commitment

You should practice on a regular basis if you want to win the marathon race on race day. The UPSC test preparation is similar to a marathon race (Prelims, Mains, and Interview), and in order to succeed, you must practice diligently on a regular basis.

It is never easy to achieve success; you must work hard for it. Forum IAS will help you to do so

6. Grasping Strength

You should work on improving your grasping ability. Whatever subject you’re studying, you should be able to grasp the concepts fast while also knowing how to apply what you’ve learned throughout the examination. The question is, how will you improve your grasping ability?

Though it may sound trite, meditation undoubtedly helps. Other than that, even a half-hour of physical exercise will help you strengthen your grabbing capacity.

7. Communication Ability

This is another vital skill that can benefit you not only as an IAS officer but in general. You may achieve great things if you have strong communication skills. Just don’t dismiss it; if you know you have problems speaking in front of groups or presenting your thoughts effectively, work on it. After all, you’ll be the one who regrets it the most if you pass the mains and your communication skills become a roadblock in your career.

8. Read, read, read.

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for an IAS applicant to like reading, and I am not referring to the subject topic. On the internet, there is a plethora of novels, publications, and entertainment. Set aside some time to read on related topics rather than ordinary novels. Reading a lot can help you get a new viewpoint, increase your analytical abilities, improve your language, and equip you with enough information to handle the GS and Essay Paper.

9. Perseverance

UPSC preparation is one of the most difficult paths to pursue, and you are bold to take it on.

Even if you wish to pass the test on your first try, it will take you almost a year to study and another year to finish the exam (Prelims, Mains and Interview).

You will have to retake this test from the beginning, i.e. prelims, if you pass prelims but fail to pass mains or the other way around, or if you fail the interview. As a result, you should have the patience and capacity to study for the IAS test for three to five years without losing interest.

10. Confidence in Oneself

First Before the rest of the world believes you, believe in yourself.

If you believe in yourself, you can do anything. You can crack UPSC under the mentorship of our experienced teachers of Forum IAS.

About Us

Mr. Ayush Sinha, the founder of Flaviant Network Private Limited, founded Platform Forum IAS in 2012 as an online cooperation platform for young individuals studying for civil service examinations. It has generated Rank 1 in the Civil Services Examination, the Indian Forest Services Examination (3 times! ), and the Bihar State PCS in the past eight years. Over 4000 Forum IAS Community Members and Academy Students today serve the country in both domestic and international capacities. If you wish to be an IAS, you may achieve your goal with the help of Forum IAS.

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ForumIAS was founded by Ayush Sinha, a Manipal Institute of Technology alumni, as a discussion forum for his Interview preparation in 2012.