What’s the best solution for PCOD problems with Ayurveda?

Ayuvya Ayurveda
4 min readAug 9, 2023


In Today’s world where everyone is busy and has a hectic routine and due to this hormonal imbalance and irregular periods are increasing in females and unhealthy food and lifestyle is also increasing. Menstrual issues and irregular periods are very common these days as of not having time to have a good and healthy schedule and living with unhealthy routines. By observing these problems Ayuvua have came up with a new product with the guidance of our ancient Ayurveda “Fizhher”- It’s a invention that helps the females to get relief during the time of periods, menstrual pain, reproductive health through Ayurvedic tablets. Ayuvya Fizzher is created with natural herbs and Ayurvedic process and doesn’t contains any modern day chemicals which may harm the body and also gives temporary relief. By this article will try to explain you why Ayuvya Fizzher is the best tablet for regular periods.

Benefits of Ayuvya Fizzher:

Improves Hormonal Balance: Fizzher tablet is created in a way that helps in hormonal equilibrium, which is important for a good health. Fizzher contains natural herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari and Lodhra is famous to have adaptogenic features that help in maintaining hormones balance, specially by supporting the endocrine system and reducing stress. These Ayurvedic tablets gives a good hormonal balance and provides a healthy body for females.

Better Reproductive Health: One of the major focuses of Ayuvya Fizzher is to provide a good reproductive health to females. These tablets contain a mixture of natural herbs, minerals, famous for their hormonal balance, enhancement in blood circulation, and nourishing reproductive health. With the help of natural herbs like Shatvari and Ashwagandha which contain adaptogenic nutrition that helps to regulate hormones and reduce stress, therefore gives a healthy reproductive function to females.

Decreases Menstrual pain: Menstrual pain is a very major discomfort for a women who’s having her periods and it becomes challenging for women to perform her daily tasks that’s why Fizzher is the best Ayurvedic tablet for regular periods to get relief from menstrual pain without any chemicals in it which don’t harm the body.

Detoxification: Fizzher helps in detoxifying of blood as it is very important for a good and healthy body. The natural herbs and with the help of Ayurveda Fizzher helps to remove toxins from the body and cleans it from inside so the body can perform with its full potential.

Reduces Menopause pain: There are a lot of chemical pills in the market which provides temporary relief during the time of menopause which also can leads to harmful for the body with some side-effects, on the other hand Ayuvya Fizzher provides a natural and ayurvedic solution which a women can take without any harmful side-effects. Fizzher contains Ashwagandha and Shatavari which reduces pain and gives a healthy support to the hormones during menopause to women. With Ayuvya Fizzher ayurvedic tablets a woman can have painless menopause without any side-effects on the body or health.

Handles PCOD Effectively: Ayuvya Fizzher is an ayurvedic tablet specially made for PCOD problems which regulates hormonal imbalance and menstrual pain. Its various ayurvedic ingredients help women to get a regular menstrual cycle, relieve menstrual pain and also cure PCOD problems.

Natural Ingredients in Ayuvya Fizzher:

Vidarikand: It’s a natural herb which has Balya properties which helps to reduce weakness and improves energy level in females during menstrual cycle.

Safed Musli: It’s the one of the best ayurvedic herbs which helps in maintaining female hormones such as estrogen. Safed Musli ensures menstruation comes in time.

Ashoka: This ingredient helps in managing menstrual problems in women such as heavy, irregular and painful periods.

Kumari: Kumari powder promotes positive menstrual health by keeping regular menstrual cycles in check. It also keeps natural hormone levels in the body.

Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha promotes a healthy response and reduces cortisol levels which in turn helps in PCOS.

Shatavari: Shatavari may help in improving levels of antioxidants in the body and may improve menstruation problems and fertility.

How to use Ayuvya Fizzher:

Step 1: Drop one tablet in 200ml of water.

Step2: Wait till the tablet dissolves in the water.

Step 3: Enjoy the healthy drink.

Ayuvya Fizzher Ayurvedic tablets offer a holistic and natural approach to managing PCOD symptoms and addressing the root causes of the condition. By promoting hormonal balance, supporting ovulation, and addressing insulin resistance, inflammation, and stress, these tablets can contribute to bettered reproductive health and overall well- being. While chemical pills deliver short term relief from the menstrual pain while on the other hand Fizzher provides a Ayurvedic and natural process to get relief from the menstrual pain without any side effects. With the help of natural herbs and ayurvedic expertise Fizzher resolves all the menstrual problems. Fizzher main focus is to proves a healthier, happier and empowered life to womens.



Ayuvya Ayurveda

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