Hybrid Defi Alliance Infrastructure

ICONEWS Ayuwandiraputri
4 min readSep 11, 2021


Binance smart chain is a blockchain technology developed by Binance to address various issues on the Ethereum network. BSC is claimed to be faster, efficient, secure, and low in fees compared to Ethereum, especially for the DeFi platform, BSC is a blockchain technology specifically for the DeFi platform. But not only BSC, now we know Polygon which is claimed to be 500 times faster than Ethereum and has lower fees than BSC, this is the reason why Polygon is touted as the blockchain of the future.

Looking at the development of BSC and Polygon, we can see that these two blockchain technologies will be widely used in the future. Thus MegaBsc was launched as the first DeFi project to be built on the BSC and Polygon networks. MegaBsc provides users with various DeFi features that they can use to optimize their investment, earn passive income, or do other purposes.

BSC and Polygon

BSC and Polygon are blockchain technologies that were launched to solve various problems on the Ethereum network. Because on the Ethereum network there are many problems that make this network unstable and not scalable. Especially for fees, the Ethereum network currently charges quite high fees for transactions and the process is not fast enough. Therefore, blockchain technologies such as BSC and Polygon are expected to be a solution to these problems. Seeing the increasing number of BSC and Polygon users, MegaBsc wants to present a hybrid DeFi alliance project that will be built on these two networks. Later MegaBsc will provide various DeFi features which will facilitate various user needs, such as token swap, farming, staking, launchpad, etc. It is hoped that with the presence of MegaBsc, it can become a comprehensive DeFi platform that will provide a DeFi platform that is safe, fast, and reliable for users.

MegaBsc was developed by a professional and experienced team who are well versed in blockchain and crypto markets. Here users can utilize the automated strategies, pools and other yield opportunities to optimize their income quickly without any problems.

MegaBsc Features

MegaBsc is a DeFi platform built on 2 networks that allow users to access various DeFi features quickly and securely. For example, here users can swap their tokens with other cryptocurrencies with high liquidity. But that’s not all, there are several other DeFi features from MegaBsc:

  • Farming: Users can become liquidity providers and get rewarded in Meg tokens or other tokens for their participation.
  • Staking: Users who want to earn passive income can stake their meg tokens to get rewards for their participation.
  • Referrals: MegaBsc provides an opportunity for users to be able to spread referral links and in return, users will get rewards for their efforts.
  • Leveraged Yield Farming: Users can leverage their yield farming position to get bigger rewards.
  • Launchpad: A launchpad platform that project owners can use to launch their tokens. This is a unique launchpad for the potential projects to hit the Crypto Market.
  • Exchange: An exchange platform that allows users to trade crypto with a 0.2% trading fee.

MegaBSC Token

TOKEN “Meg” is organized to create an ecosystem where lucrative and modern decentralized financial services can be introduced to a wider audience across the gaming world. With the advancement of concepts like asset encryption in the game industry, more value is added to user earnings, unlockable and purchased items, making them transferable. concessional and exclusive. As each user can leverage their digital assets to meet their liquidity needs in a decentralized manner, they become both contributors and future creators of our Defi ecosystem.

Token Exchanges

Token exchange on MegaBSC is an easy way to exchange one BEP20 token for another through automated liquidity pools. The liquidity provided to the exchange comes from the Liquidity Providers (“LP”) who place their tokens in the “Pool”. In return, they receive FLIP (MegaBSC Liquidity Provider) tokens, which can also be wagered to earn MEG tokens in the “farm”.

When you do a token exchange (trading) on an exchange, you will pay a transaction fee of 0.2%, broken down as follows: 0.03% Sent to MegaBSC Development Treasury.



Launch of “MEG” Token the first Hybrid Defi Protocol Infrastructure.


Get Audited with Certik Security Foundation & Hacken Security Services.


Partnership Announcements with the Financial Institutions & Pivotal Defi projects of BSC.


Locking the Liquidity on Immediate Basis Across all the Swap Partners of “MEG” Token.


Listing on Centralised Exchange like BITMART + HOBBIT + OKEX + PROBIT & CMC + COINGECKO + DAPP RADAR with Brand Promos.


Launch of Cross-Chain Platform with Polygon.


Mega Launch of “MEG” Token lottery Pot-with no Loss Jackpot.


Launch of Leverage yield Farming Protocol with Boosted Amy’s.


The first-ever Hybrid Defi Token. “MEG” Creating Usability in Third-Party Gaming Apps & Sport Gaming Platforms.


Launch of “MEG” Multi-Chain Wallet


Generic Partnership with Utility Platforms for Utilising the “MEG” Tokens.

For more information



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BTT Username: Ayu Wandira

BTT Profile:;u=3239934

BEP-20 Address: 0xF84E224a803C82B2E2e4aC95bbdF456dc188Ac26

