A Memorable Day of Personal Reflection and Community Bonding

Ayyub Saeed
2 min readFeb 24, 2024


In one of the most memorable experiences I’ve had recently, a particular day during the Amal program stands out brighty in my memory. It was filled with moments that I know will stay with me for a long time to come.

At GCU Lahore, Amal fellowship session no.4

I remember one outdoor activity session where I met a cat. This feline creature was remarkably friendly, eagerly engaging with every fellow participant who attempted to interact with her. Several of us, including myself, found ourselves in playful interactions with it for quite some time.

However, as there was a chilly weather outside, the cat eventually sought warmth indoors and made her way into our classroom. What followed was a delightful scene as she confidently took to the stage, amusing us all with her antics. The scene remains in my mind even now.

That day taught me a profound lesson about the universal language of love and compassion. Despite the cat’s inability to communicate verbally, it actions spoke volumes about the affection she had for us. In that moment, as we felt the chill of the weather, it was a reminder of the warmth that connection and companionship can bring.

Undoubtedly, the cat also found joy in our company, as evidenced by its playful acts. This shared experience not only deepened my appreciation for the bond between humans and animals but also strengthened the sense of community among us participants. It served as a reminder of the power of connection and empathy in meaningful relationships, both with fellow humans and with the world around us.

