DC to DC Converter Types: Important Concepts

DC to DC converter types are used in power electronics to efficiently convert one DC voltage level to another. They find applications in various fields, such as power supplies, renewable energy systems, electric vehicles, and portable electronic devices.

2 min readAug 16, 2023
DC to DC Converter Types: Important Concepts

DC To DC Converter Types

Buck Converter

The Buck converter, also known as a step-down converter, is a widely used among DC to DC converter types. Its primary purpose is to lower the input voltage to a lower output voltage level. The key component in this converter is an inductor.

The output voltage is given by the formula:

Output Voltage = Input Voltage * D

Where “D” is the duty cycle of the switching waveform. Buck converters are highly efficient and suitable for applications where the output voltage needs to be lower than the input voltage.

Boost Converter:

A Boost converter, or step-up converter, is designed to increase the input voltage to a higher output voltage level. It utilizes an inductor and a diode to achieve this conversion.

The output voltage is given by:

Output Voltage = Input Voltage x (1 / (1 — D))

Here, “D” represents the duty cycle of the switching waveform. Boost converters are commonly used in battery-operated devices and solar power systems.

Read More: DC to DC Converter Types

