AI: Deep Asteroid — Predicting the Apocalyptic Asteroid

2 min readNov 6, 2023


In the world of cinema, films like “Armageddon,” “Deep Impact,” “Meteor,” and “Don’t Look Up” have one common theme: the discovery of an asteroid hurtling towards Earth, spelling potential disaster. While these movies provide gripping entertainment, the reality is that the chances of such a catastrophic event occurring are relatively low.

Nevertheless, our universe is teeming with over 31,000 known near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) under constant surveillance. Every week, approximately 40 new observations lead to the discovery of new NEAs. These celestial objects, asteroids and comets, come close to our planet, ranging in size from a few meters to tens of kilo meters across.

To be classified as a NEO (Near-Earth Object), an asteroid or comet must have an orbit that brings it within about 45 million kilo meters of Earth’s orbit. While the likelihood of a NEO colliding with Earth remains slim, the consequences of a substantial impact could be devastating.

Surprisingly, there have been instances where NEOs have gone undetected until they were already on their way past our planet. For example, Asteroid 2021 UA1, roughly the size of a refrigerator, was only spotted hours after it had passed within 1,800 miles (3,000 kilo meters) of Earth’s surface in October 2021.

To forecast the origins of these potentially hazardous NEOs and track their trajectories, artificial intelligence (AI) is stepping in with cutting-edge tools like HelioLine3D, Hazardous Object Identifier, and Deep Asteroid.

AI is ingesting terabytes of data related to every NEO, offering early warnings and precise trajectory calculations. This critical work not only identifies potential threats but also paves the way for safeguarding our planet from possible asteroid impacts.

Despite a high degree of confidence that no immediate NEO threats exist within the next 100 years, the possibility is not entirely ruled out. The question remains: if we cannot avert such an event, would it be better not to know?

AI is here to help us navigate the cosmos, identify potential threats, and further our understanding of these celestial wanderers. With AI at our side, we’re better equipped to safeguard our planet and harness the boundless opportunities that space exploration presents. The mysteries of the universe continue to unfold, and AI is a crucial player in deciphering its secrets.

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