Decoding Deja Vu: Navigating the Intricacies of Familiarity

2 min readJan 5, 2024


Have you ever sensed an eerie familiarity, convinced you’ve lived a moment before, despite knowing it’s your first encounter? Welcome to the enigmatic realm of Deja Vu, a phenomenon both captivating and confounding humanity for ages. In this exploration, we journey through the nuances of Deja Vu, from its universal presence in our lives to its potential impact on decision-making and the enigmatic connection to our dreams.

The Universal Phenomenon:
Deja Vu transcends cultures and generations, imprinting moments where the present seems to echo the past. Wars, deals, and crimes have been influenced by this inexplicable feeling, prompting contemplation about the nature of time and memory.

Dreams and Deja Vu:
A fascinating link emerges between Deja Vu and the realm of dreams. Individuals with vivid dream experiences are more likely to encounter Deja Vu in waking life. Our brains fabricate “artifact memories,” akin to AI generating synthetic content, which may resurface as Deja Vu when familiar scenarios manifest.

The Video Experiment:
Picture watching a video and experiencing that uncanny Deja Vu sensation. It suggests a unique wiring in the brain. Just as AI generates synthetic content, our brains conjure up memories that resurface as Deja Vu in similar real-life scenarios.

Artifact Memories’ Role:
Deja Vu’s essence lies in activating artifact memories stored deep within our cognitive reservoirs. These memories, from dreams or past experiences, trigger the Deja Vu sensation when we encounter situations resembling them.

A Shared Experience:
If you’ve felt that eerie sense of familiarity, you’re not alone. Studies suggest 60–70% of people have experienced Deja Vu. This shared experience sparks curiosity about the human brain’s mechanisms and the interplay between memory and perception.

Deja Vu as Survival Instinct:
Beyond its mystery, Deja Vu may serve a practical role. It aligns with our brain’s survival instincts, generating scenarios in dreams that may later manifest as Deja Vu, potentially aiding in decision-making and navigation of the future.

As we contemplate the image presented at this narrative’s end, a question lingers: Have you seen it before? Deja Vu, blending scientific intrigue with psychological mystery, invites us to fathom the depths of our consciousness. Whether fleeting or recurrent, Deja Vu remains an enigma shaping our reality perception.

Deja Vu’s enigmatic nature persists, prompting us to dive deeper into its intricacies, bridging the scientific and the mysterious in our quest to understand consciousness and memory.

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