Which Herbal Medicines Are Recommended for Kidney Health and Why?

Anaya Ali
5 min read4 days ago

Herbal supplements may assist in improving kidney health; however, they carry potential risks.

Certain herbal remedies could potentially exacerbate medical conditions; to make an informed decision about taking these items it’s wise to consult a certified healthcare expert first.


Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), also referred to as Four O Clock Family Plant is an annual species found throughout many areas and widely distributed as part of Nyctaginaceae family of plants.

Echinacea is an effective kidney tonic with significant anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. It aids in maintaining the health and overall condition of kidney glomerular filter rates through reducing the amount of protein in urine that is related to chronic renal diseases and increasing overall function.

Punarnava provides more than kidney health benefits; it is also an effective diuretic, flushing excess fluid out of your system and relieving breathing disorders by decreasing lung fluid accumulation.

Punarnava, from an Ayurvedic perspective, stands out by virtue of its distinctive bitter light taste, warming effects on the stomach, and postdigestive sour taste — characteristics which help balance vata, kapha, while stimulating pitta in greater quantities when consumed regularly Sharbat e Sandal.

Banyan provides herbal remedies containing punarnava that support kidney, liver and urinary tract health. Our products feature punarnava in all its forms (leaves as well as roots/seeds/extracts from its plant), making our traceability from farm fields all the way into cabinet seamless; especially useful when treating chronic kidney conditions! All punarnava products sold through Banyan provide complete traceability from farm fields all the way into cabinet!


Triphala (Triphala is an internationally acknowledged herb for digestion, immune control and symptoms of diarrhea. It is composed of three fruit like Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula), Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica) and Bibhitaki (Black Myrobalan).

The consumption of this natural cleanser can benefit alleviate the symptoms of constipation, flatulence, and constipation while also increasing the absorption of nutrients essential to our health. Additionally, the strong antioxidants boost immunity in defending cells against harm caused by free radicals.

Rasayana Ayurvedic blend Ayurvedic herbal mix that has been proven scientifically to lower the effects of oxidative stress as well as cognitive decline as well as assisting in maintaining the maintenance of healthy cholesterol levels. The ancient Vedic Sages praised Rasayana because of its balancing, rejuvenating results; nowadays, many people include Rasayana in their daily health routines as a part of their health and wellness routines.

Triphala Churna contains powerful antioxidants including gallic acid Chebulinic acid, and ellagic acid for fighting free radicals created in daily bodily functions and also those emitted via food items and environmental pollutants, as well as habits including smoking. The research has demonstrated the antimicrobial capabilities of Triphala could enhance mononuclear macrophage activity while reducing antibacterial threats Further research has shown that the ethanol extracted from Triphala has superior properties due to better solubilization due to superior solubilization superior solubilization superior solubilization superior slubility through superior solubilization Solubilization through superior Solubilization superior solubilization superior solubilization greater Solubilization through superior lubrication by superior solubilization superior lubrication of its phenolic components than water decoction with regard to efficient solubilization through higher lubrication by superior solubilization due to superior compound phenols when compared with water decoction, whose solub decoction payoff due to soluberization, which is a superior solubility owing to better solubilization due to the higher solubility of its phenolic compounds in comparison to water decoction because of the higher lubricity of its phenolic compound than the water-based decoction of its phenolic compounds, when measured with the higher solubility of its phenolic compounds. it was time to think about higher solubility in the process of solubilization more soluble than water decoction due to greater solubility because of the greater solubility the phenolic compounds when compared with water decoution regarding its greater solubility so in relation to in terms of the solubility of its compound phenols when decotion was utilized when compared to water extraction in the process.

Chanca Piedra

Chanca Piedra or Stone Breaker is a tropical plant used widely across cultures and practices worldwide to support liver, urinary tract and digestive health. Chanca Piedra can be purchased through liquid extracts, tea or capsule form; its effectiveness remains to be demonstrated through further studies into this plant.

Chanca Piedra has long been recognized for its effectiveness at treating kidney stones. By making urine more alkaline, Chanca Piedra could lower calcium oxalate levels — the primary contributors of most kidney stones — as well as levels of uric acid that cause attacks of gout. One study even demonstrated Chanca Piedra to be superior over prescription potassium citrate in treating both conditions simultaneously.

Chanca Piedra appears promising as an antidiabetics remedy by helping reduce their blood sugar levels, yet much of this research was performed using animal models or test tubes — more human trials need to take place before physicians can recommend Chanca Piedra to their patients suffering from this illness.

Chanca Piedra can also be used to treat gallstones — small deposits of cholesterol or bilirubin found within the gallbladder — though no definitive proof has yet been presented that Chanca Piedra will actually cure them. Research conducted with rats and mice indicates it can break them down while increasing bile flow for improved digestion of food, although more investigation must be performed with humans before reaching definitive conclusions as regards human treatment efficacy Best Hakeem in Lahore.


Katuki (Picrorhiza the kurroa) has long been used medicinally in the Himalayans to cleanse livers and purify blood — dispensing excess bile while protecting liver cells against damage — helping us achieve balance between Pitta (fire) and Kapha (water and earth) doshas!

This herb can assist with chronic fevers caused by imbalanced Pitta or Kapha doshas present in our bodies, with its anticoagulant and Astringent properties acting effectively against menstrual bleeding disorders as well as nasal bleeding disorders. Furthermore, its cooling qualities help remove toxins from your system to lower body heat significantly while its anti-inflammatory attributes promote positive responses against inflammation for improved respiratory health.

Laxative that acts by stimulating digestive Agni and secreting gastric juices to improve digestion. Reduce constipation while simultaneously activating bowel movements for easier passage through. Protects liver from various illnesses including fatty liver, alcoholism, viral hepatitis and radiation toxicity while simultaneously lowering blood glucose levels due to hypoglycemic effect and cardioprotective property by blocking free radicals that damage heart muscle cells.

