“I Love You” Day.

Azarion Kavindra
2 min readOct 14, 2023


Underneath the serene blue sphere of autumn, even the golden maples gracefully shed their leaves; he raises an admiration on someone. As this letter represents a fragment of his deep benevolence, as he genuinely hopes she will discover its contents as a delightful surprise, even as she wonders why it has come her way, for it conceals one of the reasons to live. Their journey began when their conversations flowed like a gentle water on river, flowing eventually each day without knowing the feeling inside that crawls up on him, and the one he could recognize was her endearing persona that kept him driving in madness this far.

To him, she stands as the loveliest girl he has ever encountered in his universe. With each word, he strives to articulate the feelings that have long remained hidden in the recesses of his heart. It’s an affection that silently matured during their timeless gatherings. He desires to express that she is the one who has illuminated his universe, much like a radiant sun piercing through the darkest of clouds. Her laughter resonates as the sweetest melody carried on the whispering wind in his mind, and her smile, a beacon of joy.

For more, this letter serves as his humble offering, an earnest confession of the adoration he holds for her. Nevertheless, he recognizes that gratitude should be directed toward God for creating her and to her mother for raising this miraculous girl — a girl who deserves hands to hold and should be gentled touch in her surrounding by eternal cherish and perpetual love.


11.37, Lembang, Bandung Barat, Indonesia.

