5 Best Places to Make Extra Money and Share Your Knowledge Online

Artem Zavyalov
Student Voices
Published in
5 min readMar 15, 2017

We live in a wonderful time. Every day humanity makes new discoveries, while modern technologies are changing lifestyles around the world.. However, there is one constant element that continues to be high on everyone’s list of priorities. This is knowledge. Luckily, the internet has drastically changed the whole education process. Today everyone has equal access to high-quality online education, regardless of location. Moreover, everyone can do good and share one’s expertise with others. The days when education was confined to the wealthiest are gone. All you need to get smarter or to share your knowledge is laptop and internet connection. And, of course, your desire.

In this article we want to summarize some of the best services and platforms so you can share your expertise across the world. Using one or more of these services is most likely easier than creating your own website. Moreover, they are often free for authors, and sometimes even for students. Additionally, you get access to target audiences, while creating your one is a tough and lasting process.

1. Teachable

With 3+ million students, this platform is a Mercedes Benz in the world of courses. The service offers pretty much everything you may need to run an audio, video, or text learning program. Basically, it provides a customized website to launch your e-learning brand. Various features include drag-and-drop website builder, responsive design, own domain, student list segmentation, comprehensive dashboard, and more. Authors can create quizzes and discussion forums for students. Additionally, course creators have access to marketing tools like coupons and promotions, advanced pricing options, their own affiliate program, and customizable sales pages.

Stripe, PayPal, and credit cards are available for payments, which can be taken from 130+ international currencies. Standard payment processing fee is 2.9% + $0.30 on paid courses. Authors get paid at the beginning of each month.

Subscription prices vary from $39/month to $299/month. A free plan is also available.

The platform’s interface allows the creation of courses in any language.

2. Udemy

With more than 15 million students, Udemy is now one of the biggest e-learning platforms. It is available in English, Spanish, Japanese, German, French, and Portuguese languages.

The service is almost free of charge. Authors keep 97% of the revenue with a 3% processing fee. In addition, you can choose to pay 50% of the revenue when Udemy promotes your course.

Unlike Teachable, you don’t need to create your own website. Authors can combine their courses made up of audio, video, text, and PPT. The platform is available in 190 countries worldwide with no limits. Instructors receive payments 30 days after the end of the month. The only way to get paid is PayPal.

3. Highbrow

This platform catches your eye with its new way of e-learning. Each course consists of 10 lessons, 400–600 words each. The service brings one lesson to a student’s email box every morning, which takes about 5 minutes to read. You may think that it’s impossible to learn something in 5 minutes, but you’ll be surprised! In fact, the shorter, might be the better especially considering that the average attention span of humans is 8 seconds. Plus many people are busy juggling so many daily tasks and commitments, that the 5 minute daily class is a perfect fit. All courses are in text format. However, instructors are welcome to add reading recommendations and links for further learning.

Authors can choose between free and premium courses to create. The first option allows adding a promotion, while the second one allows earning cash (50% of all Premium membership revenue) which is calculated on a sliding scale. In this case authors are not allowed to promote their brand. Course submission is free and instructors get paid via PayPal.

Students need only email to subscribe for free courses. Premium subscription costs $7/month with a monthly plan, or $48/year with an annual plan.

4. Skillshare

This platform is focused on video e-learning. It contains over 15K classes, both free and for a fee. Free classes are available for everyone upon registration while Premium membership costs $15/month (billed monthly) and $10/month (billed yearly) with open unlimited access to all courses.

The revenue program is similar to the one at Highbrow: each month Skillshare allocates 30 to 50% of the Premium membership revenue to reward teachers. The amount paid is calculated based on the number of minutes watched by Premium members in each teacher’s class. Also, you will get paid only when your course is watched at least 30 minutes/month. Payments are sent on the 16th day of the next month via PayPal.

All classes consist of video lessons and projects. The last ones must take at least 10 minutes of video content.

5. Listenable

This platform is unique, it’s focused on audio-only learning. It has over 200 audio courses created by well-loved experts. Listenable courses are about 1–2 hours long, broken up into about 7–20 lessons, roughly 3–10 minutes each.

Members (not teachers) support Listenable by paying either a small annual or monthly subscription ($89.99 or $14.99 respectively).

To encourage the best educators, Listenable offers a lucrative royalty program that rewards course creators based on engagement. To do this, they set aside 30%–50% of revenue and return that to educators. Content creators will be compensated based on the total minutes listened to by the community.

Listenable currently promotes audio lessons and courses to tens of thousands of students. Reaching them is simply a matter of creating an audio course and allowing their learners to discover it.

Why do you need to create a course on Listenable?

Let’s see… you’ll be paid for every minute that learners listen to your course. You’ll get free exposure to thousands of lifelong learners. And you’ll enjoy completely free design, promotion, & community management services.

These platforms have some similar and different features. However, they all aim to make the learning process easier for their viewers. If you are thinking of creating a course or already have one developed, we highly recommend that you take the next step. Make a contribution to the world of knowledge, while earning some extra cash — share in the fun and excitement!

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