What Is Growth Marketing? (2021)

3 min readFeb 24, 2020


Growth marketing tends to be used as a buzzword. Passed along at networking events and added to business cards and headlines of articles because some digital marketers saw it skyrocket on Google Keyword Trends.


What is it actually?

Growth Marketing V. Traditional Marketing

Growth Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing?

Traditional Marketing is a set of promotional ideas backpacked on to a product, Growth Marketing is the product, building it to promote itself. Growth Marketing is a full funnel discipline, applied from the start of product creation. Baked in to everything your team touches. Giving you the ability to build products that can self-reciprocate and build “Brand Evangelists” all on it’s own, once let loose. You can achieve this through things like


Data Content Loops

“Content loops involve publishing and sharing media, which is then shared by the business, its users or partners. That action triggers signups, activations and user engagement, which leads to more sharing of the media. This completes the “loop” or cycle.” — Reforge Review



“The highest valuation US consumer startups[wiki] currently are: Uber, Airbnb, Lyft, Pinterest, Coinbase, Instacart, Robinhood, Peloton, Doordash, Wish, and Houzz. How did they grow? While every company that gets to unicorn status usually has multiple significant acquisition channels, there are two that are the most common: Referrals and SEO.:” — Growth Engineering Blog


SEO Content Strategies

“Content isn’t just about getting people to your product. You have to stop people from landing and leaving.” — Casey Winters — Growth @ Grubhub


Growth Marketing vs. Growth Hacking?

This is when can get bogged down into the terminology. I try to avoid the term “hacking” when talking about anything related to my or clients business. If you’re not in this for the long run, get off now. There lies the difference, Growth Hacking tends to skew towards “Quick and Greasy’ techniques in hopes of an unauthentic surge in traffic. Growth Marketing is a long-term strategy for you, your team and your company.


It all comes together like this.

Looking To Start “Growth Marketing”?

Here are some top rate tools, I use daily for every step in the funnel.













Growth Marketing is a discipline, a mind-set and ultimately a language to flow throughout your entire company. When thoughtfully applied, it can launch your company to new heights and supercharge your team to create products with growth running through its veins. If you found this helpful or want to work with me and my team reach us here Zeusdigitalagency.com and we’ll talk soon!

