Everything You Need to Know about Life Insurance Underwriting

2 min readJul 22, 2022


Life insurance is a smart option to protect your family from financial danger if you pass away. However, there are some steps you need to complete to get permanent life insurance coverage.

Life insurance underwriting is a procedure every life insurance applicant must go through. An underwriter assesses your registration form, personally identifiable information, and living environment to assign you a coverage rating based on risk. This rating helps insurers to determine your coverage cost.

Take a look at this guide to understand the underwriting process for life insurance in detail.

Understanding The Concept Of Life Insurance Underwriting

Underwriting helps insurance companies figure out the costs and risks an individual poses to them by obtaining relevant information about a candidate and using an internal audit table to predict how long they will live.

The life insurance underwriting process enables an insurer to design a plan as per your needs. Underwriters categorize candidates based on their medical history, biological sex, age, and way of life to analyze risk. They ensure you are qualified for insurance coverage and price your plan based on your score.

Types Of Life Insurance Underwriting

Different insurance plans lead to diverse underwriting procedures. The following are some of the most common types of life insurance underwriting:

1. Full Underwriting

This type comprises a comprehensive technique that includes a clinical examination and an evaluation form. It’s the most affordable kind of underwriting.

2. Life Insurance Underwriting

The underwriters in this method skip the medical examination but demand that applicants complete a written form. It has a premium fee compared to full underwriting.

3. Accelerated Underwriting

Underwriters create online insurance plans for healthy candidates using publicly accessible data and advanced technologies. The cost of this type is the same as full underwriting, but the eligibility criteria are different.

4. Guaranteed Life Insurance

It provides coverage without a medical checkup or a written questionnaire. However, the cost of its coverage is higher than the other three types.

Get Affordable Insurance Options With The Help Of San Angelo Insurance & Fast Tax Office

By partnering with San Angelo’s Insurance & Fast Tax Office as your insurance service provider, you choose a team of experts with years of experience handling different cases.

They’re dedicated to providing the most reliable service to our clients, so they focus on a one-stop insurance solution, including home insurance, life insurance, and health insurance.

Contact them today for details or to get a free quote!

